Vì nó rất quan trọng. tôi rất cần nó, Tôi sẽ không hỏi bạn nhiều nếu tôi không gấp. thật sự tôi xin lỗi bạn, tôi cũng không muốn bạn khó sử, chúng ta cũng hợp tác lâu rồi.
Because it is very important. I very need it, I will not ask you much if I don't fold.truly I am sorry you, I also don't want you to unwieldy, we also collaborated for a long time.
Because it is very important. I needed it, I would not if I did not ask you many fold. I truly apologize to you, I do not want you unwieldy, we also work a long time.