Tôi cài windows_10_Pro_64bit trên VPS nhưng toàn bị thông báo lỗi không thể cài được. Lỗi này do file ISO hay do VPS? Nếu do iso bạn có thể cho tôi link download file iso de cai win 10 trên VPS được không?
I installed windows_10_Pro_64bit on VPS but been unable to install error message. This error is due to the ISO file or VPS? If due to the iso you can give me link download file iso de cai win 10 on VPS?
I installed on VPS windows_10_Pro_64bit but is full error message can not be installed. This error by ISO or by the VPS? If so can you tell me iso download iso file link 10 on VPS de cai win it?
I installed Windows 10 Pro 64bit _ _ _ was wrong information cannot be installed on the VPS. The cause of the error reason VPS or ISO file? If you can give me free ISO ISO file download link to win VPS de tube 10, OK?