I have unforgettable memories, it's 3 weeks ago, I had the trip to Phan Rang, Ninh Thuan, which was an exciting and memorable trip. I went alone and go by motorbike to meet a friend of mine. The trip lasted 4 days 3 nights. Interesting trip and is a very new experience to me.Phan Rang-Thap Cham, the capital of Ninh Thuan provine, 350 km from Ho Chi Minh City, the former capital of the ancient Kingdom of Champa Panduranga, the term "Indigo Tower" or tower of the Cham Tower Poklong Garai cluster was in the North of the city. Phan Rang very dry climate and is probably the driest region of Vietnam. Annual precipitation is very little because there are many mountains the wind bring rain should be prevented again inaccessible to Phan Rang.The first day I started running the airport from 6 am in Hong Ngu-Dong Thap (my hometown), runs four hours under the Highway 62 and then on to Highway 1 to enter the city. This is the way familiar to me, so the move nor difficult and nothing special. To HCM at 10 am, I about their pensions, compose a few belongings and rest and lunch. About 11 h 30 ', Max began running the car, as is the far and also do not know the road should I just treat the Google map to consider sugar, see also not hard to remember, just follow Highway 1A is coming. The weather that day was also quite good, shady Sun without sunshine. Runs up to 2 hours of lunch, I go to Binh Thuan Province when it went through the province of Dong Nai. I've been on the coffee rest and then run compact. Along the cradle of Binh Thuan Province, I see in this province is also quite unspoiled, the people here are mainly growing Dragon fruit and grazing. Because of time rushing, so I do not have visited the city of Phan Thiet. At the 4h30, ham Thuan Bac district, to me, I think, also near to Phan Rang, just at the time I saw the sign across the street "121 km way Phan Rang", actually I was very scared and depressed, because Sun was dark, but also try to run. To 6h30, I've reached Ninh Thuan, and run the add 1 hour news 7:30 pm, I was in the city of Phan Rang Tháp Chàm. Here, I'm calling to tell you to pick me out, because I do not know the way. Meet my friend, her name, really I am very happy and glad finally to reach. We go to dinner and then drink the water, and then on the Home Page of the rest. Dinner that night, think back on her motorcycle was run alone on the road over 570km, horrible and unbelievable.Ngày thứ hai, sau một đêm ngủ ngon giấc vì mệt mõi. Tôi thức dậy lúc 6h sáng và Trang dẫn tôi đi ăn “ Bánh Canh Chả Cá”, 1 món cũng nổi tiếng ở đây. Ăn xong, chúng tôi đi tới” Hang Rái” một địa điểm thuộc “ Vườn quốc gia Núi Chúa” , trên đường đi, tôi thấy nông dân ở đây họ làm muối trên ruộng và có rất nhiều vườn trồng nho nhìn rất thú vị.”Hang Rái” thật chất nơi đây là 1 rạn san hồ nổi lên mặt nước, nhưng khung cảnh đây rất đẹp ,ở trên thì có những núi mà “đá xếp chồng” lên nhau. Ở đây, có rất nhiều cặp vợ chồng đến chụp hình cưới và cũng có nhiều đoàn du lịch đến. Nơi đây, có 1 chỗ rất đặt biệt, đó là “ hố trái tim”, rạn san hô có rất nhiều hố tròn vuông khác nhau, nhưng chỉ có 1 hố này là nhìn đẹp và thú vị. Khi đi tham quan và chụp ảnh xong, 10h30 sáng, chúng tôi bắt đầu đi tới “ Resort Sao Biển”, 1 khu du lịch ở ven biển thuộc tỉnh Khánh Hòa. Đường đi tới đây thật khó khăn, vì là đường trên núi, phải chạy qua từng núi mới tới được nơi,đường thì quanh co và rất nguy hiểm phải lên dốc rồi xuống dốc liên tục, mà đường thì cũng khá đẹp vì bên trái là núi, còn bên phải là biển. Cỡ khoảng 12h trưa, chúng tôi đến nơi, ở đây chúng tôi được ăn hải sản cũng khá rẽ, ăn xong chúng tôi đi dạo quanh biển , nơi đây người ta thiết kế rất đẹp, chúng tôi chụp hình rồi xuống tắm biển. Tới 5h chiều chúng tôi về nhà Trang ăn cơm và nghĩ ngơi. tối đó chúng tôi đi dạo quanh công viên gần biển, không khí rất mát mẻ.On Tuesday, today I and the page will go to the Tower Poklong Garai. 9:30 a.m., also to heaven today very strong sunshine, looking at these very unique and beautiful Tower. Here, there are a total of 3 towers, the tallest Tower is the place to worship, and the 2 remaining ones, I am also unclear as to in or worship. Here, there are also many couples wedding shooting up, because of the way up was to walk up about 100 m should come with intensely sunny weather is also very tired. Visit our Home Page, for lunch and a rest, and then chat with family page, it's Saturday, so the family also full Page. We think lunches, and then wake up at 4 h pm, together with the same Page Add the page's children to take a shower with the nearby beach. Here the sea is also not very clean, and the most horrible thing was bathing at the jellyfish bite. This is the first time that I was swimming jellyfish bites, real sense of horror and pain burning. That evening, I go eat "cake Page and Align" and "Bun MAM" special also the wedge in place. Done us about sleep soon.The last day, I wake up early, and then prepare the map back into Saigon, also quite muddy as to break it and appointment 1 day not far away to see the city of Phan Rang. Run 8 hours according to l
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