Tôi bán nước hoa Pháp, vừa rồi tôi nhập về số lượng lớn bán nhưng bán còn hơi nhiều, trong vài ngày tới tôi phải bán đủ doanh số không thì sẽ bị trừ lương và tôi sẽ rất buồn
I sold French perfume, just then I enter the sale bulk sale, but also slightly more, in the next few days I have to sell enough sales not be except salary and I will be very sad
I sell French perfumes, just then I entered the large numbers sold but the sale was slightly more, in a few days I have not sold enough sales will be deducted from the salary and I will be very sad
I sold my French perfume, but the number of inputs sold and even sold for a few days I was not enough to sell, after deduction of wages, I would be very sad