COÄNG HOØA XAÕ HOÄI CHUÛ NGHÓA VIEÄT NAMÑoäc Laäp - Töï Do – Haïnh Phu dịch - COÄNG HOØA XAÕ HOÄI CHUÛ NGHÓA VIEÄT NAMÑoäc Laäp - Töï Do – Haïnh Phu Anh làm thế nào để nói


Ñoäc Laäp - Töï Do – Haïnh Phuùc

(V/v: Thueâ xe vaän chuyeån nhieân lieäu )
Soá : 231 /HÑNT

- Caên cöù Boä luaät daân söï soá 33/2005/HQ11 ngaøy 14/06/2005 cuûa nöôùc CHXHCN Vieät Nam.
- Caên cöù Boä luaät Thöông maïi soá 36/2005/QH11 ngaøy 14/06/2005 cuûa nöôùc CHXHCN Vieät Nam.
- Caên cöù vaøo nhu caàu vaø naêng löïc cuûa hai ñôn vò.
Hoâm nay, ngaøy 01 thaùng 01 naêm 2014, ñaïi dieän hai beân goàm coù :

Ñòa chæ : 237/5 Leâ Hoàng Phong, Phöôøng 8, Tp.Vuõng Taøu
Ñieän thoaïi : 064.3 592424 Fax : 064.3 593235
Taøi khoaûn : 76010000026325 taïi Ngaân haøng Ñaàu Tö & Phaùt Trieån Vieät Nam
chi nhaùnh tænh Baø Ròa Vuõng Taøu
Maõ soá thueá : 3500589420
Ñaïi dieän : OÂng Phaïm Vaên Phong Chöùc vuï : Chuû Doanh nghieäp

Ñòa chæ : 51 Leâ Thaùnh Toâng, P.Thaéng Nhaát, TP.Vuõng Taøu, Tænh BRVT
Ñieän thoaïi : 064.592424 Fax : 064.524808
Taøi khoaûn : 76010000052959 taïi Ngaân haøng ñaàu tö vaø phaùt trieån Vuõng Taøu.
Maõ soá thueá : 3500684265
Ñaïi dieän : OÂng Buøi Ñöùc Thaéng Chöùc vuï : Chuû Doanh nghieäp
Hai beân thoaû thuaän kyù hôïp ñoàng nguyeân taéc vôùi caùc ñieàu khoaûn nhö sau :
1.1. Beân B ñoàng yù thueâ phöông tieän cuûa beân A ñeå vaän chuyeån xaêng daàu ñi caùc tuyeán theo yeâu caàu cuûa beân B.
1.2. Nhu caàu vaän chuyeån : Theo yeâu caàu cuûa beân B.
2.1. Khi coù nhu caàu vaän chuyeån, beân B thoâng baùo chính thöùc baèng caùc phöông tieän truyeàn thoâng cho beân A chuaån bò phöông tieän, chaäm nhaát sau 2 giôø keå töø khi beân A nhaän ñöôïc thoâng tin phaûi xaùc baùo khaû naêng, teân phöông tieän vaän chuyeån cho beân B.
- Thôøi gian töø thôøi ñieåm beân A nhaän hoaù ñôn hay yeâu caàu cuûa beân B ñeán thôøi ñieåm saün saøng giao nhaän haøng khoâng ñöôïc quaù 04 giôø.
2.2. Tröôøng hôïp ñaëc bieät hai beân cuøng baøn baïc hoã trôï nhau giaûi quyeát.
2.3. Tröôøng hôïp beân A khoâng ñuû naêng löïc phaûi thoâng baùo cho beân B bieát chaäm nhaát sau 2 giôø keå töø thôøi ñieåm nhaän ñöôïc thoâng baùo yeân caàu vaän chuyeån cuûa beân B.
2.4. Tröôøng hôïp huyû boû thay ñoåi chuyeán haøng theo yeâu caàu cuûa beân B, beân B phaûi thoâng baùo cho beân A. neáu phöông tieän ñaõ nhaän haøng hoaëc ñaõ vaän chuyeån beân B phaûi chòu chi phí phaùt sinh do phaûi bôm traû laïi haøng hoaëc thay ñoåi haønh trình.
2.5. Khi beân A muoán thay ñoåi phöông tieän vaän chuyeån phaûi thoâng baùo tröôùc cho beân B.
3.1. Phöông thöùc giao nhaän vaø laáy maãu : AÙp duïng theo ñuùng caùc nguyeân taéc giao nhaän vaø laáy maãu nhieân lieäu daàu moû theå loûng quy ñònh taïi “ Tieâu chuaån ngaønh TCN 01-200 “ ban haønh keøm theo quyeát ñònh soá 1783/2000/QÑ-BTM ngaøy 26/12/2000 cuûa Boä thöông maïi.
- Caùc phöông tieän giao nhaän phaûi coù Barem coøn hieäu löïc do cô quan coù thaåm quyeàn caáp, coù heä thoáng coâng ngheä maùy bôm, heä thoáng PCCC ñaûm baûo caùc yeâu caàu giao nhaän vaø an toaøn PCCC.
3.2. Ñònh möùc hao huït : Theo quy ñònh cuûa beân B.
3.3. Xöû lyù haøng thöøa thieáu :
- Neáu thieáu haøng : Beân A phaûi boài thöôøng 100% giaù trò haøng thieáu theo giaù baùn buoân thanh toaùn theo hoaù ñôn ñaàu vaøo cuûa beân B taïi thôøi ñieåm thanh toaùn cöôùc.
- Neáu thöøa haøng : Beân A khoâng ñöôïc thanh toaùn giaù trò haøng thöøa, nhöng ñöôïc xeùt ñeå khen thöôûng theo quy ñònh cuûa beân B. möùc thöôûng khoâng vöôït quaù 30% giaù trò haøng thöøa.
4.1.Ñoái vôùi nhieân lieäu:
Cöôùc vaø troïng taûi tính cöôùc : Hai beân thoaû thuaän cuï theå laø :
- Troïng taûi tính cöôùc : Theo soá löôïng thöïc chôû ôû nhieät ñoä moâi tröôøng (DO) vaø Kg (FO).
- Ñôn giaù cöôùc : Theo söï thoaû thuaän giöõa hai beân aùp duïng cho töøng chuyeán haøng cuï theå.
- Cöôùc ñöôïc tính theo chuyeán
4.2. Thanh toaùn : Beân B thanh toaùn baèng tieàn maët hoaëc chuyeån khoaûn cho beân A vaøo moãi kyø thanh toaùn haøng thaùng.
- Chaäm nhaát sau 02 ngaøy keå töø ngaøy giao haøng xong, beân A coù traùch nhieäm giao laïi cho beân B caùc chöùng töø vaän chuyeån nhö caùc bieân baûn giao nhaän haøng. Bieân baûn laáy maãu (neáu coù) coù ñuû chöõ kyù, hoï teân ngöôøi nhaän haøng. Haøng thaùng caên cöù vaøo chöùng töø vaän chuyeån hôïp leä noùi treân, beân A laäp baûng keâ vaän chuyeån vaø phaùt haønh hoaù ñôn GTGT göûi beân B, beân B seõ thanh toaùn cöôùc phí cho beân A sau khi nhaän ñöôïc ñaày ñuû chöùng töø.

5.1. Beân B
- Baûo ñaûm tính phaùp lyù haøng hoaù vaän chuyeån (hoaù ñôn, chöùng töø veà haøng hoaù).
- Ñaûm baûo an toaøn beán baõi cho beân A giao nhaän haøng : Toå chöùc toát vieäc giao nhaän haøng hoaù ñuùng thôøi gian thoaû thuaän. Laøm moïi thuû tuïc phaùp lyù coù lieân quan tôùi vieäc giao haøng.
- Coù quyeàn t
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE SOCIAL DEMOCRACY MEANS THE COMBINED VIETNAMESEIndependent-Liberal-Will-------–­—------CONTRACT PRINCIPLE(V/v: operation fuel transfer car Rent)Number: 231/HÑNTOn The other the democratic law-number 33/2005/HQ11 dated June 14, 2005 date of Vietnamese SOCIALIST country.-The premises any Phone number commercial law 36/2005/QH11 date 14/06/2005 of Vietnamese SOCIALIST country.-The premises any access request and feature of two enforcement unit.Today's date, the days 1 month 1 year 2014, represented two parties including:THE RIGHT TO MANAGE (A): IF THE BUSINESS COORDINATION HAÄU VARIED PRETEND PLAY.Address: 237/5 Leâ Huang Feng, Phöôøng 8, Vuõng TaøuTel: 064.3 592,424 Fax: 064.3 593,235Account: 76,010,000,026,325 in insured Investments Development & Vietnamese tænh Ròa Taøu Vuõng Baø Government from dominating the genusTax code: 3,500,589,420Associate: for his Text The Style: employers service subscribers within a businessOTHER REVENUE (B): IF THE BUSINESS INDIVIDUAL GERMAN PREVAILINGAddress: 51 Thaùnh Leâ push plunger, p. Prevailing, HO CHI MINH CITY. Vuõng Taøu, Tænh BRVTTel: 064.592424 Fax: 064.524808Account: 76,010,000,052,959 in insured investments and Vuõng Taøu.Tax code: 3,500,684,265Associate: Buøi German, he directed The Prevailing Wage: employers businessThe two top thoaû contracting approval principle with provisions as follows:ARTICLE I: OPERATION FREQUENCY SHIFT AND NEEDS1.1. B agree manage the multimedia of the right fuel transfer operation yet to light A the waves according to B.1.2. operation needs diversion: follow request B.ARTICLE II: WORLD MAKE2.1. When the transfer operation needs, B official notice by the multimedia library information for a multimedia, prepared A mental institution after 2 hours of when the party A receives the information must validate credentials, then alert transportation for B.-From the time your right to receive A hoaù application or require B to your ready to receive delivery of not more than 4 hours.2.2. the special case of two parties the same tones each expedited support gaming.2.3. side of A case not enough enforcement officers must notify function B for detailed facility short-term after 2 hours of time receive notices for yeân operation switch B.2.4. huyû case to change the weekly chuyeán according to B, B to A top report. If the received goods or multimedia operation switch B must be held to the play by cost must pay its use of or changes the current process.2.5. When parties to A transportation changes must be saved before saving for B.ARTICLE III: METHODS FOR EVALUATING ANNUAL EMISSIONS, HOAÙ & RECEIVE INTERFACE3.1. delivery methods and receive sample must be collected: apply according to the correct guidelines and sample must be collected to receive fuel delegated ointment moû specified in the battery may "the central standard BC 01-200" enacted provided decision number 1783/2000/QÑ-BTM date December 26, 2000 of The commercial.-The multimedia delivery recipient must have found effective by agency Barem has the right to a fair level, its use is phone technology system, FIRE PROTECTION system make sure the delivery request received FIRE PROTECTION and safety.3.2. To the decimated budgetary shortfalls: defined B.3.3. Handling of information in the thöøa:-If the lack of A Right to back 100:% annual sales value as low value payment dealer according to the hoaù application on B in time the payment of the cost.-If the goods: A Top thöøa not payment of the annual value is to testify, but praise thöøa allowed according to specified B. allowed the exposure of 30% of the annual value thöøa.ARTICLE IV: TRANSFER OPERATION COST AND PAYMENT4.1. For fuel: The cost of the download section and the cost: Two top thoaû specific approval is:-The Download Section the cost: according to the number of bus-NET in temperature environment (DUE) and Kg (FO). -Unit cost: according to the approved thoaû between two parties applies to each specific annual chuyeán.-The cost is calculated at chuyeán 4.2. Payment: payment by cash money B or diversion of funds for a A monthly payment on each citizen.-Mental institution after 2 days of delivery of goods, the parties responsible for A return to top B the service operation with the navigation as text which received an annual allocation. Which text sample must be collected (if) there are enough signature, the last name of the recipient. Monthly access any service operation on the navigation on the right, making eligible A legislative table by operation switch and issued hoaù application RATES send B, B will be the payment of the cost for a Saudi after receive complete service.ARTICLE V: RESPONSIBILITY EACH RIGHT 5.1. B-Ensure legal hoaù annual diversion operation properties (hoaù, service application to each hoaù).-The safety margin for the recall beán A better world: annual recipient allocation work assigned receive proper hoaù thoaû time of each issue. As all the legal process there their normal annual delivery solutions.-Have the right t
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Independent - I measured - the network operator's which Phuc
------- ???? ------ Contract Principle (V / v: Rental car fuel transit) Number 231 / HNNT - Caen out of every citizen discomfort Department law number 33/2005 / HQ11 date 14/06/2005 SR Vietnam's water. - The Department of Caen out of every commercial law number 36/2005 / QH11 day's water 14/06/2005 SR Vietnam. - Caen out of every vaoo's needs and our ability to Unit Two. Hoam date, 01 months 01 days 2014, two PARTY representation includes: PARTY FOR TAX (A): Almost secondary PRIVATE ENTERPRISE. a Local Units: 237/5 Hoang Phong Leâ, Ward 8, Tp.Vuong Tau Phone: 064.3 592 424 Fax: 593 235 064.3 Account: 76010000026325 at the Bank Investing & Development Vietnam Ba Ria Vung up new branches Tau province Mao tax number: 3500589420 Representatives: Mr. Pham Vaên performer OCCUPATION: business owners party rental (B): Germany THAÉNG PRIVATE ENTERPRISE address: 51 Leâ Thaunh total, P.Thaeng Unified, TP.Vuong Tau, Ba Ria Vung Tau Province Phone: 064.592424 Fax: 064.524808 Account: 76010000052959 at the Bank investments and develop Vung Tau. Mao tax number: 3500684265 Representatives: Mr. while Bui Duc Thaéng OCCUPATION: business owners thoau Thuan Hai PARTY Principle Clerk the contract with the terms such as follows: ARTICLE I: Transportation needs and Elections 1.1. Scenario B agree rental Bean's money PARTY A To transit, petrol riding cauc PARTY's request a gland under B. 1.2. Transit needs: According PARTY's request a B. ARTICLE II: organization of the implementation 2.1. When YES transit needs Bean B officially notified cauc diploma to media for party Scenario A Scenario coNvENIENcE preparation, after 2 hours Slow least Since its PARTY A must receive a confirming information Indicator General eligibility, named Scenario coNvENIENcE transit for party B. - Time from the time of the application PARTY A hoau receive or request a B Up to the time of the PARTY's Representatives to communicate BE received not later than 04 hours EVERYDAY. 2.2. PARTY special cases two different Assistance Bac Cuong baon resolved. 2.3. PARTY A insufficient cases must notify our ability for party B after 2 hours Know Slow including successful least from the time of the notifications receive a transit bridge's Yean PARTY B. 2.4. Removed cases cancel change according to request a diversion LINE PARTY B's Bean for party B must notify if Scenario A. coNvENIENcE already received or are already transit PARTY LINE B must SUBJECT costs resulting playback pump must pay note to LINE or replacement Operate a change your programming. 2.5. As PARTY A coNvENIENcE want to change the equation must notify the previous transit for party B. ARTICLE III: resulting modes EVERYDAY ASSIGNMENT HOAU RECEIVING & HAO huit 3.1. Resulting modes of receiving and sampling and sample allocation: Applicable under Principle cauc properly receive and take the sample delivery il MIGHT Liquid fuel as outlined in "The criteria is the sector The BC 01-200" ban decisions Operate a tutoring under number 1783/2000 / QN 12/26/2000 day's -BTM commercial Department. - Scenario Cauc receive coNvENIENcE delivery must have benchmarks Remaining in effect due to a right assessment agency granted Yes, Yes SYSTEM resource technologies pump unit, secured SYSTEM PCCC request a delivery cauc fire protection and safety received. 3.2. The level of depreciation huit Assessment: According to PARTY B.'s requirments 3.3. Save EVERYDAY excessive courtroom deficiency: - If the deficiency LINE: A must provide any compensation bean 100% value of a part-nausea EVERYDAY deficiency under liquidation value mathematics according hoau PARTY B's application vaoo Start at the time of the liquidation math identity. - If excessive EVERYDAY: Bean A BE liquidation value that math is not excessive EVERYDAY! But BE Arabia To compliment bonus as defined PARTY B. The level's bonus must not exceed 30% of the value that excessive EVERYDAY. ARTICLE IV: CHARGES Transportation identity and payment 4.1.Noai with fuel : Identity and identity Precautions redevelopment properties: Two PARTY thoau Specific Thuaän are: - Precautions redevelopment of identity calculation: According to this total amount Chou ou engage the temperature environments (DO) and Kg (FO). - Application of identity value: According to the approved discomfort thoau two mid PARTY LINE apply to transfers Specific Interactions. - Identity is calculated according TRANSITION 4.2. Payment: Bean B pay by cash or to transfer'S STOCK for party A vaoo each Monthly Payment Periods. - Delays least after 02 days from the date delivery is complete EVERYDAY Bean A delivery note to have the responsibility for party B cauc proof from Developing Bank and product lines, transit traffic You receive EVERYDAY. You take the sample product lines, (if applicable) Yes Signature eligible, the recipient Last First EVERYDAY. Caen out of every vaoo monthly transit from a valid proof described above, PARTY A statistic table made ​​on transit application and issuing VAT hoau send PARTY B, PARTY B will stick for party A charge of identity mathematics after receiving sufficient proof from is full. ARTICLE V: responsibilities of each PARTY 5.1. Bean B - secured property is Benefit Save EVERYDAY hoau transit (hoau application, proof from about EVERYDAY hoau). - Ensure safe delivery and ports receive lesson for party A LINE: Organization Affairs exudes WORK EVERYDAY receive hoau properly to the approved period of time thoau . A procedure for the new raw Jobs is Benefit Save Yes EVERYDAY it relates to communication. - Yes right to t

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