như đã trình bày trong email trước đó, tôi đang có vân đề với một đối tác của tôi vê một hợp đông hợp tác kinh doanh. Tôi không muốn đưa vụ này ra tòà vì tôi không muốn nhiều người biết yề vấn đề này.
As stated in the previous email, I am having problems with a partner of mine regarding a business cooperation contract. I don't want to take this case to court because I don't want many people to know about this issue.
As I mentioned in my previous email, I am currently discussing a business cooperation agreement with one of my partners. I don't want to mess up this matter because I don't want many people to know about it.
As I mentioned in my previous email, I am talking about a business merger with one of my partners. I don't want to make it public because I don't want many people to know about it.