những người bạn chơi với tôi, tôi đều mang lại may mắn cho họ, họ nói vậy. Nhưng tôi luôn thất bại, tôi rất buồn nhưng gặp được anh tôi có hút hi vọng. tôi chúc mừng anh nhưng lại sợ anh sẽ bỏ tôi khi anh giàu
the people you play with me, I bring good luck to them, they said. But I always failed, I am very sad but I meet you there-hope.I congratulations but afraid you'll leave me when you are rich
play with my friends, I will bring good luck to them, they say. But I always fail, but I am very sad to see him smoking I hope. I congratulate him, but was afraid he would leave me when he rich