Ví dụ: Tại Vietcombank Ký qũi Phí mở L/C 100% trị giá L/C 0,075% trị giá L/C mở 30 - 50% trị giá L/C 0,1% trị giá L/C mở Dưới 30% trị giá L/C 0,15% trị giá L/C mở ( min 5 USD và max 200 USD) Miễn ký quĩ 0,2% trị giá L/C mở ( min 5 USD và max 300 USD )
For example, At VietcombankSigned qũiFree open L/C100% of the value of L/C0.075% of the value of L/C open30-50% of the value of L/C0.1% of the value of L/C openUnder 30% of the value of L/C0.15% of the value of L/C opening (min 5 USD and max 200 USD)Free registration code0.2% of the value of L/C opening (min 5 USD and max 300 USD)
Example: At Vietcombank escrow fee for L / C 100% of the value of L / C 0.075% of the value of L / C opening 30 - 50% of the value of L / C 0.1% of the value of L / C opened Less than 30% of L / C 0.15% of the value of L / C opening (min max 5 USD and 200 USD) Exemption escrow 0,2% of value of L / C opening (min and max 5 USD $ 300)