THE LEVEL OF LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORBased on the ability and experience of our members, please choose from one of seven levels, the appropriate starting point and move on to the next level if seen progress in your group. • Level 1: the Manager after the new decision notified to the members, or in other words a member had no role in the decision. Here there exists the coercive.• Level 2: Manager of "selling" the decision. Instead of just announcing, the Manager will "sell" this decisions to his staff. Therefore, be mentally prepared if employees refuse to follow the decision.• Level 3: the Manager presents the idea and is ready to receive questions from members. This allows the group to receive a full explanation of the decision of the leadership and from there, they can better understand what the Manager are efforts made.• Level 4: the Manager put out a decision but make the exploration-this means that the above decision can completely change. Doing this creates opportunities for other employees may be based on the capacity available to the same decision.• Level 5: the Manager presents the problem, listen to suggestions, solutions and then make a decision. Until this level, managers are still responsible in making the final decision. Now, members are free in making different choices, however, the Manager is still decided based on the choice.• Level 6: the Manager requires the group to make decisions but proposed some limits are forced to obey. That is, although the entrusted the making decisions for the Group; but the Manager still convey to them some specific requirements.• Level 3: the Manager allows the group freedom works but comes to the limit-the staff will be the decision, however, now the upper level of the manager who set out certain limitations on the selection. If the Manager is a decision, they also have no authority over the other members.Basically, the two first style similar to "control style", three next-like style with "democratic" style, while the last two styles has similarities with the "liberal" leadership style. This approach gives leaders more options depending on the attribute of each specific environment or situation.THE POSITIVE APPROACH AND NEGATIVEEach leader has an own way when approaching their employees. These leaders actively use the rewards, such as training opportunities, freedom, etc. to motivate its employees, while the negative leader again preferred to use the punishment (Newstrom, Davis, 1993). Negative approach is also one of the leader method, however, must be careful when using this method due to the strong influence the morale of the members.The negative leader always act in a way that control and always putting yourself higher than everyone. They believe that the only way to get the job done is through sanctions, such as loss of job, unpaid holidays, reprimand employees in front of others, so They believe that the power of ourselves will increase dramatically when they used the threat as a way to boost productivity. However, what often happens when this method is applied is spiritual work and productivity, then slump.Most of the leaders not only use a single style, but somewhere on the scale levels, they will tend to be of a style or positive or negative. People who continuously tends to negative work called the boss, while those who have a positive approach was viewed as the great leader.HUMAN APPROACH AND MISSIONTwo other approaches that leaders often use is (Stogdill, 1974):• People (focus on employees)-leaders always considering the needs of employees. They try to build team spirit, help employees solve problems, and support them in terms of psychology.• Tasks (focusing on the job)-leaders believe that they get a good result by always keep his staff busy with work as well as push them to work.The evidence showed that if the leaders tend to be of interest to staff than they will work productivity as well as more satisfied at work (Schriesheim, 1982).Please note that "man" and "the mission" are the two leadership styles completely independent of each other, so the two cannot be set in this style on the same chart levels (Stogdill, 1974).For example, a leader using the method of "human"-interested employees more, doesn't mean she doesn't focus to work efficiency.HIS CHIEFHis head has at times been equated with the leadership style. Most definitions of leadership often stressed or imply that one of the principal Act in leadership is "c
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