Tim is incredibly important parts of our body. No heart health is one of the causes of many diseases of body. Please prioritize the food here in the daily meals to have healthy hearts. >> eat to your heart health?1. Almond blossomsFor adults, eat about 300 g almond blossoms every day can help reduce blood fat 20% of 13-to.According to researchers at the UNIVERSITY of Toronto (Canada), the effect of the fruit better than some medications. Almond blossoms is a dry fruit rich in energy. It is especially good for the heart because part of it has a lot of vitamin E – a antioxidants help prevent atherosclerosis. Additionally the peach almond also contains more calcium is good for bones and teeth.You can eat chocolate almond peach, peach almond container dry in the yogurt.2. Oil the box saveThis oil is rich in unsaturated fats, especially good for the circuit. Replace saturated fats (butter, cheese, animal fats ...) with the olive oil will help reduce bad cholesterol in the blood.Unsaturated fats are in the fruit butter and nuts. But with just oils save our bodies also provides quality of polyphenols help prevent cholesterol penetrate blood vessels.3. natural yogurtAccording to a few studies of America, who has balanced nutrition of calcium and potassium will the room be the disease high blood pressure. These substances have a lot of natural yogurt.Eat yogurt every day on the breakfast or dessert. Eating yogurt instead of cake, jam. .. after the main meal also helps you lose weight effectively.4. CamVery delicious Orange and cool. Moreover each Orange average only gives you 65 calories. So you can eat more oranges without fear of gaining weight.Oranges contain more fiber, pectin substances, especially so that it has the effect of relieving the hunger and controlling the rate of cholesterol in the blood.You can additional orange into 6 or 8 pieces to eat dessert after a meal. In addition, in the summer, you can drink orange juice all day to heat.5. Results of seriResults of the series is rich in the substance antôxian-oxygen compounds allows to neutralize the enzymes produced by the plaque causes atherosclerosis disease.Fresh or dried series have same effects so you can eat the series all year round without having to wait until the season.You can make yogurt, cake, ice cream ... with this amazing fruit.6. GarlicGarlic has the effect of reducing the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood and the prevention of atherosclerotic disease. To take advantage of all the effects of this spice, the scientists recommend we eat lots of garlic every day (including branches or garlic juice).The Vietnam I processing of many dishes with garlic for the garlic is fragrant and is regarded as a medicine. Take marinated meat sautéed spinach ... with garlic to add flavor to the dish and also to protect your health.7. CarrotAccording to a study by the Harvard University-Usa, every day to drink 1/2 cup of water in a vegetable or tuber has dark colors or colors, such as orange carrots would lose was 27% the risk of diabetes.According to them, was part of the carrot concentrate many of the plant's antioxidants so it gives us the effect on.Use more carrots in food processing not only good for health but also help your dishes have eye-catching colors.8. pork filetPeople who regularly eat a protein rich meats has a chance to burn twice the calories stored in your body. Therefore, we can say this meats help us lose weight and especially good for the heart. With only 122 calories/30 g meat, this is a source of plant protein fat no superb for our bodies.Filet made a lot of dishes daily, also hesitant what else you use many types of meat in the diet.9. The salmonSalmon is great source of Omega-3 for our health. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effects, Omega-3 also in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood.With the salmon, you can enjoy the marvelous fish shellfish. In addition you can also processed salmon to other foods.10. Black beansVery few vegetables rich in magnesium such as black beans. Adults don't get enough of this daily minerals have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease is higher than 2 times.According to a study by the United States of America, 1 cup water, black beans provide magnesium 120mg (daily needs of adults is 320mg). Homemade Black Bean Tea is especially popular in the summer. You make cooking healthy cuisine for both eat in the summer.
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