4.2. environmental performance prediction of Vinh Phuc Province4.2.1. atmospheric environmentThe deterioration of the air quality continues to increase, especially in the dust at the intersectionpassing through the municipality of Extractive and INDUSTRIAL ZONES, Binh Xuyen, Quang Minh, Phuc townXuan Hoa town, Yen.0200400600QL2 QL QL 2B 2 c TL TL 302 305The amount of NOx emissions (kg/day)2010 2020According to calculations by experts, ifby 2010 the ratio fills the IPS reached45%-50%, then the total amount of waste causing the boxMTKK infections will increase about 3 times andto 2020 the proportion filled is 85%-90% loadthe amount of these pollutants increase MTKKabout 4 times now. In thecountryside village activitiesAs Tang (Delta Township agricultural productsthe food and tea), Yen Lac town,Thanh lang (processing of forest products like rustic Figure 8. Prediction of NOX emissions due to trafficand bamboo dust, paint and dust concentrations), the surplus dust born in the air will increase inalarming levels.4.2.2. water environmentWorkshop proceedings 10th Science-Academy KTTV & MT 157Surface water quality will decline quickly in the dam Vac, Rants, and Phan Thiet Riverthe pollution indicators (turbidity, COD, BOD, Coliform, NH4+, heavy metals such as Hg, Cu,MN, Fe, TBVTV ... can be type B standard of TCVN 5942-1995 several times.In the municipality as the town of Vinh Yen Phuc yen, and some INDUSTRIAL ZONES such as TheNISSIN typhanh, beer HANIGER, concentrations of heavy metals such as Cu, Zn, Mn, Fewill continue to increase due to the impact of the waste and industrial activities in the areastated there is no appropriate control measures and effective.020406080Vinh Phuc Of Vinh Phuc Yen YenThe waste flow (million m 3/year)2003 2010 20200501001502001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14Thousand m32010 2020Figure 9. Waste water quantity forecasting figure 10. Forecasting the amount of medical waste water14.2.3. soil environmentEnvironment the land continues to be contaminated, and TBVTV tend to be rapid, degenerativemainly in the district are strong conversion plant (from rice to plantingflower and vegetable exports, livestock and poultry with large scale) as the me Linh district(the me Linh, Khe commune, Thanh Lam, Pioneer), yen (yenLac, Dong, Dong van), Vinh Tuong (Turks Mourn, Datong).4.2.4. Biological DiversityBiodiversity in the soil will shrink in the buffer zone of theINDUSTRIAL ZONES with residential, Tam DAO National Park, agricultural cultivation areas inthe me Linh district, Yen Lac.5. environmental challenges [3, 4]So, can see the environmental quality of Vinh Phuc Province are at risk ofthe recession due to the economic and social development. Environmental challenges for the Prefecturemethod is:-Ongoing environment pollution beyond the ability of natural self-cleaning-Environmental pollution is increasing according to the socio-economic development pace inWhen there are many pressing environmental problems have not been resolved, the organization featuresenvironmental management not meet requirements-Water supply 1 1-REGISTER for Vinh yen, 2-REGISTER for Binh Xuyen, 3-, 4-Yen BV BV Tam Duong, 5-BV lap Thach, 6-FURTHER QUESTIONSVinh yen, 7-REGISTER for Permanent wall, 8-Tam Duong, FURTHER QUESTIONS 9-me Linh, FURTHER QUESTIONS 10-Phuc yen, 11 FURTHER QUESTIONS-REGISTER for FascinateLing, 12-BV nursing, 13-traditional medicine, 14-BV.158 proceedings 10th scientific seminar-KTTV Academy & MT -Environmental protection consciousness in society is also low.Be aware of the risk of pollution, the environmental challenges inthe process of economic and social development, the overall scheme of Vinh Phuc Province environment protectionthe period 2006-2010 and towards 2020 proposed 70 program, projectingredients intended to limit and minimize environmental degradation, ensure the developmentthe social economy in a sustainable way.6. conclusion and recommendationsThe current state of the environment of Vinh Phuc Province currently contaminated and on happeningsthe more complex, serious threats to the health of the people.Yongfu should soon established the Steering Committee made the overall environment protection schemethe school, quickly perfecting the mechanism, policy, enacting environmental standardsprovince level; promoting socialization of environmental protection; strengthening educationawareness of the environment for people and businesses.
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