Có thể phết thêm mỡ nước trong quá trình nướng để thịt không bị khô. - See more at: http://vaobepnauan.com/cach-lam-bun-cha-gia-truyen-ha-noi-bai-ban-dung-chuan/#sthash.RUrPTpCK.dpuf
Can add water fat spreads during baking to the meat being dry. -See more at: http://vaobepnauan.com/cach-lam-bun-father-his-rouicha-ha-noi-bai-ban-dung-chuan/#sthash. RUrPTpCK. dpuf
Spreadable fats more water during cooking so the meat does not dry out. - See more at: http://vaobepnauan.com/cach-lam-bun-cha-gia-truyen-ha-noi-bai-ban-dung-chuan/#sthash.RUrPTpCK.dpuf