Tôi nghĩ nó không thể giải quyết chỉ bằng tô màu cánh tay. ví dụ trong trường hợp trong ảnh, AI không có khả năng nhận biết đâu là cánh tay, nó sẽ hiểu đó 2 là shape khác nhau cần được tạo ra và không có sự liên kết ở đây
I think it can't be solved by just coloring the arm. For example, in the case of the image, the AI is not able to recognize which arm is which, it will understand that they are two different shapes that need to be created and there is no connection here.
I think this cannot be solved solely by arm coloring. For example, in photos, artificial intelligence cannot recognize the position of the arm, and it will understand which two different shapes need to be created without alignment.
I don't think it can be solved by just coloring the arms. For example, in the image, AI cannot identify which arm, and it will understand that 2 is a different shape that needs to be created, and there is no link here.