Do đó, tôi muốn mua 2 bộ (bao gồm 2 spinner, 2 cups, 1 glass condom former normal size 52 và 1 glass 3in1 condom former để thử có thật sự phù hợp với thiết bị của chúng tôi. Bạn có thể cung cấp cho tôi như đề xuất được không?
Therefore, I would like to purchase 2 sets (including 2 spinner, 2 cups, 1 glass of condom size 52 and 1 normal former glass 3 in 1 condom former to try really fit with our equipment. Can you give me suggestions?
Therefore, I want to buy 2 sets (including 2 spinner, 2 cups, 1 glass condom former normal size 52 and 1 glass condom former 3in1 to try really fit our equipment. You can give I proposed it?