khách hàng tôi đang muốn chọn máy in theo mong muôn của họ,không muốn phần mềm chọn ngẫu nhiên. nghĩa là , trên elfim khi chọn máy in 1 , máy in 1 hoạt và tương tự như thế cho máy in còn lại.
my clients are looking to select the printer as their unexpectedly, didn't want the software randomly. that is, on the elfim when selecting the printer 1, printer 1 and likewise for the rest of the printer.
My client are looking to select the printer in their unexpectedly, do not want random selection software. that is, on elfim when choosing a printer 1, the printer 1 and a similar operation for the remaining printers.
I would like to live on the printer they want to long live, do not want random software. This means that after a elfim select printers, printers and running such a printer to rest.