Ông tôi vừa qua đời vào thứ 5. Tôi phải về chịu tang. Tôi rất áy này vì chuyện này bởi vì tôi đang trong thời gian thử việc. Tôi mong bà thông cảm cho tôi. Tôi sẽ quay trở lại công ty vào thứ hai tới.
He just died on Thursday. I must have about good mourning. I very much feel this because this because I'm in the time trial. I look forward to her sympathy for me. I will return to the company on Monday.
My grandfather died on the 5th I have to go into mourning. I am very anxious for this because I am in the probationary period. I would urge you to sympathize with me. I will return to the company on Monday.