min dep 1$ plan 36% for 3h Plan 60% for 2h Plan 75% for 2h RCB 60% cho những bạn dep từ 3-9$, 70% cho từ 10-19$, 75% cho trên 20$ có proof link đăng kí :
min dep 1 $plan 36% for 3 h Plan 60% for 2 hPlan 75% for 2 h60% RCB for the dep from 3-9 $, 70% for $ 19 from 10-75% on the $ 20,There's prooflink to register:
min dep $ 1 plan 36% for 3h 2h Plan 60% for 75% for 2h Plan RCB 60% for you dep from $ 3-9, 70% for 10-19 $, 75% to over $ 20 with proof link register :