được đặt chân lên những vùng đất mới, có những thứ tôi chưa được thấy,có những thứ mới tôi chưa từng biết đến, đó là ước mơ của tôi bấy lâu nay. Nếu có cơ hội, tôi ước được đưa gia đình mình đến San Diego
be set foot on the new land, there are things I have seen, there are new things I have ever known, that's my long dream. If given the chance, I wish are brought his family to San Diego
set foot on the new land, there are things I have seen, there are new things that I never knew existed, that is my dream all along. If given the chance, I wish my family was taken to San Diego
Can set foot on the land there are new things, I have not seen new things, I do not know, this is my dream for many years. If there is a chance, I hope I can take my family to Santiago