3. 69. Both children and adults will enjoy this game. ALIKE 70. Tax co dịch - 3. 69. Both children and adults will enjoy this game. ALIKE 70. Tax co Anh làm thế nào để nói

3. 69. Both children and adults wil

3. 69. Both children and adults will enjoy this game. ALIKE 70. Tax contributes to the cost of local services. PAID 71. The milkman appears to be running away from your fierce dog. AS IF / THOUGH 72. I find his clothes the most irritating thing about him. WHAT 73. The discovery of how to light fires gave man a new control over his environment. ABLE 74. However friendly he seems, he’s not to be trusted. THOUGH 75. The suitcase was extremely heavy but he managed to lift it. DESPITE 76. This must be true so we should inform the President. IF 77. He will come. It is in his own interest. BOUND 78. Although I was told that I would be unhappy I married him. IN SPITE 79. Mr Smith won’t attend the meeting. UNDER 80. Although they are poor they can afford beer. THOUGH 81. She answered the policeman’s questions as accurately as she could. ACCURATE 82. Romantic love must be present, or the marriage will seem insincere. OTHERWISE 83. What I like about him is his honesty. MORE THAN 84. We were late because we missed the train. THROUGH 85. She said I was a liar. ACCUSED 86. To be fair to him, I don’t think he really meant to deceive you. JUSTICE 87. The cook is brilliant but knows nothing about French sauces. AS / THOUGH 88. A mistake of this kind could cause the wrong person to be arrested. RESULT IN 89. The company may well make a profit next year. SURPRISING 90. I seldom go to pop concerts. ONLY ON … 91. This matter is too serious to be dealt with hurriedly. A MATTER 92. Don’t repeat this to anyone, but Jones has been sacked. LET 93. How do you feel about capital punishment? WHAT ARE … 94. I can’t believe the Prime Minister really means to resign. I FIND … 95. My knowledge of medieval art is very limited. I DON’T … 96. It is impossible to prove that Louis was in the flat on the night of the murder. EVIDENCE 97. The value of this Spanish coin is about 200 pounds. WORTH 98. The raising of the school-leaving age has resulted in unforeseen difficulties. ARISING 99. Do you agree with the Council’s plans to widen the High Street? AGREEMENT 100. As these are your conditions, I have no choice but to abide by them. BEING 101. It’s curious that he didn’t mention it to me. ENOUGH 102. We had not expected that we should encounter so much difficulty in finding the place. UNEXPECTEDLY 103. Although Samson was very strong, he perished at the hands of his enemies. FOR 104. That she was a duchess made a great impact on the boy’s family. HER 105. The problem was tricky enough to challenge the minds of the best scientists. SO 106. Whatever your opinion on vivisection, you must admit that it helps to save human lives. HOWEVER
4. 107. People who cannot bear with a little inconvenience should never enter the state of matrimony. SUCH 108. If anybody broke into the house, the alarm would go off automatically. ANYBODY WHO… 109. It’s time for the commission to reach an agreement. REACHED 110. There must be few people so ignorant of the past as he is. WHO 111. Hardly anybody failed to attend the meeting. THE MEETING … 112. He had never before addressed such a large crowd. THE CROWD … 113. I shall consider this matter seriously. I SHALL GIVE … 114. Few people would agree with you. THERE AREN’T … 115. He threatened to resign if they did not give him a rise. HE WARNED … 116. It was only after I had read the last sentence that I realized how important the letter was. NOT UNTIL … 117. I wrote the announcement in large black letters because I wanted everyone to notice it. SO 118. Your arguments have had very little influence on him. HE IS FAR FROM … 119. He did not start speaking until the whole class was attending to him. HE WAITED … 120. I followed the doctors’s orders exactly. I DID 121. She had two candles ready on the table as there might be a power cut. LEST 122. His rapid recovery was due to silled medical attention. AS A RESULT … 123. This door may be used only in an emergency. ONLY … 124. He has been speaking for three hours. IT IS … 125. My anxiety was quite unnecessary. UNNECESSARILY 126. He had complete confidence in his ability to deal with the matter. SURE 127. He completed the novel only after five years. IT TOOK … 128. The explorers meant to follow the river to its source. AIM 129. My cat and my dog are on very friendly terms. GET 130. It looked like rain. AS 131. It’s getting late. We ought to go home. HIGH TIME 132. The fortune-teller’s warning impressed the emperor far more than anyone would have expected. IMPRESSION 133. Some problems are inevitable if you go to live in another country. BOUND 134. Whether he is worshipped or despised is all the same to me. DIFFERENCE 135. The police have told Bert that they believe it was he who stole the car. CHARGED 136. At last I slipped a five-pound note into his hand and it was only then that he gave me the information. NOT UNTIL … 137. He has had to give up his legal practice because he is so often ill. REASON 138. Speaking personally, I could stay here for ever. AS FAR AS … 139. For a moment she thought he was her long-lost husband. MISTOOK 140. I don’t see why we must start so early. POINT 141. Washing in cold water is nothing unusual for him. USED 142. He asked me if I thought it would be a good thing to buy the second hand car. WORTH 143. The bell in the corridor should be rung if there is a fire. CASE
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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3.69. Both children and adults will enjoy this game. ALIKE 70. Tax contributes to the cost of local services. PAID 71. The milkman appears to be running away from your fierce dog. AS IF, THOUGH 72. I find his clothes the most irritating thing about him. What 73. The discovery of how to light fires gave man a new control over his environment. ABLE 74. However he seems friendly, he's not to be trusted. THOUGH 75. The suitcase was extremely heavy but he managed to lift it. DESPITE 76. This must be true so we should inform the President. IF 77. He will come. It is in his own interest. BOUND 78. Although I was told that I would be unhappy I married him. In SPITE of 79. Mr. Smith won't attend the meeting. UNDER 80. Although they are poor they can afford beer. THOUGH the 81. She answered the policeman's questions as accurately as she could. ACCURATE 82. Romantic love must be present, or the marriage will seem insincere. OTHERWISE, 83. What I like about him is his honesty. MORE THAN 84. We were late because we missed the train. Through 85. She said I was a liar. ACCUSED 86. To be fair to him, I don't think he really meant to deceive you. JUSTICE 87. The cook is brilliant but knows nothing about French sauces. As/88 THOUGH. A mistake of this kind could cause the wrong person to be arrested. RESULT IN 89. The company may well make a profit next year. SURPRISING 90. I seldom go to pop concerts. ONLY ON ... 91. This matter is too serious to be dealt with hurriedly. A MATTER of 92. Don't repeat this to anyone, but Jones has been sacked. LET 93. How do you feel about capital punishment? WHAT ARE ... 94. I can't believe the Prime Minister really means to resign. I FIND ... 95. My knowledge of medieval art is very limited. I DON'T ... 96. It is impossible to prove that Louis was in the flat on the night of the murder. EVIDENCE of 97. The value of this Spanish coin is about 200 pounds. WORTH 98. The raising of the school-leaving age has resulted in unforeseen difficulties. 99 ARISING. Do you agree with the Council's plans to widen the High Street? AGREEMENT of 100. As these are your conditions, I have no choice but to abide by them. BEING 101. It's curious that he didn't mention it to me. ENOUGH 102. We had not expected that we should encounter so much difficulty in finding the place. 103 UNEXPECTEDLY. Although Samson was very strong, he perished at the hands of his enemies. For 104. That she was a duchess made a great impact on the boy's family. HER 105. The problem was tricky enough to challenge the minds of the best scientists. COMPARED to 106. Whatever your opinion on vivisection, you must admit that it helps to save human lives. HOWEVER4.107. People who cannot bear with a little inconvenience should never enter the state of matrimony. SUCH 108. If anybody broke into the house, the alarm would go off automatically. ANYBODY WHO ... 109. It's time for the commission to reach an agreement. REACHED 110. There must be few people so ignorant of the past as he is. 111. The who Hardly anybody failed to attend the meeting. THE MEETING ... 112. He had never before addressed such a large crowd. THE CROWD ... 113. I shall consider this matter seriously. I SHALL GIVE ... 114. Few people would agree with you. THERE AREN'T ... 115. He threatened to resign if they did not give him a rise. HE WARNED ... 116. It was only after I had read the last sentence that I realized how important the letter was. NOT UNTIL ... 117. I wrote the announcement in large black letters because I wanted everyone to notice it. COMPARED with 118. Your arguments have had very little influence on him. HE IS FAR FROM ... 119. He did not start speaking until the whole class was attending to him. HE WAITED ... 120. I followed the doctors's orders exactly. I DID 121. She had two candles ready on the table as there might be a power cut. LEST the 122. His rapid recovery was due to silled medical attention. AS A RESULT ... 123. This door may be used only in an emergency. ONLY ... 124. He has been speaking for three hours. IT IS ... 125. My anxiety was quite unnecessary. 126 UNNECESSARILY. He had complete confidence in his ability to deal with the matter. SURE, 127. He completed the novel only after five years. IT TOOK ... 128. The explorers meant to follow the river to its source. AIM 129. My cat and my dog are on very friendly terms. GET 130. It looked like rain. AS 131. It's getting late. We ought to go home. HIGH TIME 132. The fortune-teller's warning impressed the emperor far more than anyone would have expected. IMPRESSION of 133. Some problems are inevitable if you go to live in another country. BOUND 134. Whether he is worshipped or despised is all the same to me. DIFFERENCE of 135. The police have told Bert that they believe it was he who stole the car. 136 CHARGED. At last I slipped a five-pound note into his hand and it was only then that he gave me the information. NOT UNTIL ... 137. He has had to give up his legal practice because he is so often ill. REASON of 138. Speaking personally, I could stay here for ever. AS FAR AS ... 139. For a moment she thought he was her long-lost husband. MISTOOK 140. I don't see why we must start so early. POINT 141. Washing in cold water is nothing unusual for him. USED 142. He asked me if I thought it would be a good thing to buy the second hand car. WORTH 143. The bell in the corridor should be rung if there is a fire. CASE
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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3. Both children and adults will 69.- enjoy this game. 70. Tax ALIKE contributes to the cost of local services. 71. The Milkman vẻ PAID to be running away khỏi fierce dog. AS IF / though I find his clothes 72. The Most irritating thing about him. 73. The discovery of how WHAT to light fires Gave control over his man a new environment. Tuy nhiên ABLE 74. He seems friendly, he's not to be trusted. Though 75. The suitcase was extremely heavy but he managed to lift it. DESPITE 76. This compared chúng true Phải shouldnt inform the President. IF 77. He will come. It is in His Own interest. Bound 78. Although I was Told That I would be unhappy I married him. 79. Mr Smith in spite will not attend the meeting. UNDER 80. Although poor chúng chúng beer can Afford. 81. Though the policeman's questions presented She answered as accurately as SHE could. 82. Romantic love Phải ACCURATE present, or the marriage will the seem insincere. 83. What I like about otherwise, photographing is his honesty. MORE THAN 84. We were late Because We missed the train. She said I was 85. THROUGH a liar. 86. To be fair Accused to him, I do not think he really muốn to deceive you. JUSTICE 87. The cook is brilliant but knows nothing about French Sauces. AS / though 88. A mistake of this kind could cause, the wrong person to be Arrested. RESULT IN 89. The company apparel make a profit next year well. I seldom go to 90. Surprising pop concerts. ONLY ON ... 91. This matter is too serious to be Dealt with hurriedly. A MATTER 92. Do not repeat this to anyone, but Jones Đã sacked. 93. How do you feel LET about capital punishment? WHAT ARE ... 94. I can not believe the Prime Minister to Resign Really Means. I FIND ... 95. My knowledge of medieval art is very limited. I DO NOT ... 96. It is impossible to Prove That Louis was in the flat on the night of the murder. Evidence 97. The value of this coin is about 200 pounds Spanish. 98. The raising of the WORTH school-age Leaving print has resulted unforeseen Difficulties. 99. Do you agree with ARISING Council's Plans to widen the the High Street? AGREEMENT 100. As của conditionsEND_SPAN These are, I have no choice but to Abide by added. BEING 101. It's curious he did not mention mà it to me. We had not expected ENOUGH 102. That shouldnt encounter so much difficulty chúng finding the place print. Unexpectedly 103. Although Samson was very strong, he perished at the hands of his enemies. FOR 104. That She was a duchess made ​​a great impact on the boy's family. HER 105. The problem was tricky enough to challenge the Minds of the best scientists of. SO 106. Whatever của opinion on vivisection, cần admit it helps to save human mà lives. Tuy nhiên
4. 107. People who can not bear with a little inconvenience shouldnt enter the state of matrimony never. If anybody broke 108. Such Into the house, the alarm would go off automatically sets. ANYBODY WHO ... 109. It's time for the commission to Reach an agreement. 110. There REACHED Phải FEW PEOPLE compared ignorant of the past as he is. 111. Hardly anybody WHO failed to attend the meeting. THE MEETING ... hda 112. He never addressed such 'is before a large crowd. 113. I shall only THE Crowd ... như this matter seriously. Shall I GIVE ... 114. Few would agree with you người. THERE ARE NOT ... 115. Threatened to Resign if He did not give him a chúng rise. HE WARNED ... 116. It was only after I read the last sentence hda That I Realized how important, the letter was. NOT UNTIL ... 117. I wrote the announcement print large black letters I wanted everyone to notice vì it. 118. Your SO arguments have very little hda Influence on him. HE IS FAR FROM ... 119. He did not start speaking off until the whole class was ATTENDING to him. HE WAITED ... 120. I followed the Doctors's orders Exactly. I DID 121. She hda two candles on the table as there ready to might be a power cut. Lest His rapid recovery was 122. Due to silled medical Attention. AS A RESULT ... 123. This garment door in an emergency only be used. ONLY ... 124. He speaking for three hours Đã. IT IS ... 125. My anxiety was quite Không cần. He unnecessarily hda 126. In His complete ability to deal confidence with the matter. 127. He completed the novel SURE only after five years. IT took ... 128. The explorers to follow the river muốn to its source. AIM 129. My cat and my dog are on very friendly terms. 130. It Looked like rain GET. 131. It's getting late AS. We ought to go home. HIGH TIME fortune-teller's 132. The warning impressed the emperor far more coal would have expected anyone. 133. Some problems are Inevitable IMPRESSION if you go to live in another country. Whether he is worshipped 134. Bound or despised is all the same to me. 135. The police have Told Difference Bert mà chúng believe it was he who stole the car. 136. Charged At last I slipped a five-pound note and it was Into his hand he Gave me only then mà the information. NOT UNTIL ... 137. He has had to give up his legal practice he is so often Do vì ill. REASON 138. Speaking Personally, I could stay here for Ever. AS FAR AS SHE ... 139. For a moment he thought was her Artist of long-lost husband. 140. I do not see MISTOOK Why We Must start over early. POINT 141. Washing water is nothing unusual cold print for him. He Asked me if USED 142. I thought it would be a good thing to buy the second hand car. WORTH 143. The bell in the corridor if there nên fibrillation is a fire. CASE
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