đối tượng của hợp đồng  ÑIEÀU II :THÔØI HAÏN CUÛA HÔÏP ÑOÀNG – CHÆ SOÁ dịch - đối tượng của hợp đồng  ÑIEÀU II :THÔØI HAÏN CUÛA HÔÏP ÑOÀNG – CHÆ SOÁ Anh làm thế nào để nói

đối tượng của hợp đồng ÑIEÀU II :T

đối tượng của hợp đồng


4. Hợp đồng có giá trị trong vòng 04 thaùng.
5. Thời gian giao maùy: 31 thaùng 01 naêm 2015
6. Chæ soá ñeám cuûa baûn chuïp taïi thôøi ñieåm kyù hôïp ñoàng :................

4. Beân A cung caáp möïc vaø vaät tö (tröø giaáy) hoaøn toaøn mieãn phí cho beân B trong suoát thôøi haïn hieäu löïc cuûa hôïp ñoàng ñöôïc quy ñònh taïi ñieàu I.
5. Soá baûn copy ñöôïc tính nhö sau :
Soá baûn in, haøng thaùng = (Chæ soá ñoàng hoà thaùng hieän taïi) – (Chæ soá ñoàng hoà thaùng tröôùc)
6. Beân B seõ thanh toaùn chi phí dòch vuï haøng thaùng theo phöông thöùc sau :
Phöông thöùc tính Ñôn Giaù
Giaù thueâ cố đñịnh haøng thaùng khoâng phaùt sinh hơn 2.000 bản in 1.000.000
Toång coäng soá tieàn thueâ maùy trong 2.000 baûn 1.000.000
Tröôøng hôïp phaùp sinh > 2.000 baûn 300ñ/ baûn
Phí ñaët coïc thueâ maùy 3.000.000ñ

Giaù chöa bao goàm thueá VAT 10 %


Beân B seõ thanh toaùn cho Beân A theo phöông thöùc : Thanh toaùn tieàn maët hoaëc chuyeån khoaûn
Beân B ñaët coïc cho Beân A soá tieàn coïc laø 3.000.000 ñoàng(Ba triệu đồng), ngay khi Hôïp ñoàng ñöôïc kyù keát. Soá tieàn naøy seõ ñöôïc Beân A hoaøn traû laïi beân B sau khi hai beân thanh lyù Hôïp ñoàng Beân A nhaän laïi maùy.
Ñoái vôùi chi phí baûn chuïp phaùt sinh haøng thaùng, beân B thanh toaùn cho beân A chi phí baûn chuïp theo qui ñònh cuûa ñieàu III, trong voøng 03 ngaøy keå töø ngaøy nhaän ñöôïc hoùa ñôn cuûa beân A.

Neáu quaù thôøi haïn quy ñònh maø Beân B chöa thanh toaùn ñuû tieàn cho Beân A thì Beân B sẽ chòu moät khoaûn tieàn phaït laø 2% / ngaøy cuûa toång giaù trò coøn laïi cuûa hôïp ñoàng.


Beân A :
3. Coù traùch nhieäm ñaûm baûo cho maùy luoân luoân hoaït ñoäng trong tình traïng toát.
4. Cung caáp mieãn phí toaøn boä caùc dòch vuï baûo trì, söûa chöõa, möïc vaø vaät tö thay theá.

Beân B :
6. Baûo ñaûm söû duïng maùy ñuùng coâng suaát theo qui ñònh cuûa nhaø saûn xuaát : Toái ña 20,000 baûn chuïp/ 01 thaùng
7. Baûo ñaûm caùc ñieàu kieän veà baûo quaûn maùy : Nguoàn ñieän xoay chieàu, nôi ñaët maùy, nhieät ñoä moâi tröôøng xung quanh, ñoä aåm: ñuùng tieâu chuaån cuûa nhaø saûn xuaát.
8. Söû duïng maùy ñuùng thao taùc, duøng giaáy ñuùng tieâu chuaån ISO (dònh löôïng 70 msg trôû leân).
9. Chuù yù giaày söû duïng không coøn dính kim baám hoaëc kim keïp, traùnh vaät laï rôi vaøo maùy.
10. Khoâng töï yù söûa chöõa hoaëc nhôø nhaân vieân kyõ thuaät khoâng phaûi cuûa beân A söûa chöõa.


Beân A :
5. Thôøi gian söûa chöõa vaø baûo trì töø thöù Hai ñeán thöù Baûy haøng tuaàn.
6. Saùng töø: 8:00 ñeán 12:00, chieàu töø 13:00 ñeán 17:00.
7. Thôiø gian ñaùp öùng :
b- Trong tp. Hoà Chí Minh : 01 giôø (khoâng tính thôøi gian di chuyeån) keå töø luùc Beân B thoâng baùo.
8. Trong tröôøng hôïp söûa chöõa laâu treân 3 ngaøy: beân seõ cung caáp 01 maùy taïm söû duïng.
Beân B:
3. Coù traùch nhieäm thoâng baùo roõ raøng caùc söï coá hö hoûng cho Beân A theo soá ñieän thoaïi noùng (Hotline): 22 41 55 56 hoaëc 0983 00 00 24.
4. Cöû nhaân vieân coù traùch nhieäm ñeå tieáp xuùc vôùi Kyõ thuaät vieân


7. Hôïp ñoàng coù hieäu löïc keå töø ngaøy ñöôïc hai beân kyù keát.
8. Hai beân cam keát thöïc hieän ñuùng caùc ñieàu khoaûn treân. Neáu moät beân caàn thay ñoåi noäi dung cuûa caùc ñieàu khoaûn trong hôïp ñoàng thì phaûi thoâng baùo cho beân coøn laïi tröôùc 30 ngaøy ñeå cuøng nhau baøn baïc vaø giaûi quyeát vaán ñeà moät caùch thoáng nhaát hoaëc boå sung baèng phuï luïc.
9. Tröôøng hôïp Beân B töï yù huyû hôïp ñoàng tröôùc thôøi haïn ñaõ kyù, thì beân B phaûi chòu boài thöôøng hôïp ñoàng vôùi soá tieàn phí thueâ bao coá ñònh 1.000.000Ñoàng nhaân vôùi soá thaùng coøn laïi cuûa hôïp ñoàng.
10. Trong tröôøng hôïp, Hôïp ñoàng kinh teá ñaõ ñöôïc thöïc hieän vaø caùc beân ñaõ hoaøn thaønh ñaày ñuû nghóa vuï cuûa mình theo thoûa thuaän trong hôïp ñoàng thì trong voøng 30 (ba möôi) ngaøy sau, Hôïp ñoàng kinh teá xem nhö ñaõ ñöôïc thanh lyù.
11. Toøa aùn kinh teá TP.Hoà Chí Minh ñöôïc hai beân thoûa thuaän choïn ñeå giaûi quyeát nhöõng baát ñoàng neáu coù, söï phaùn quyeát cuûa Toøa aùn kinh teá TP.Hoà Chí Minh coù giaù trò cuoái cuøng. Chi phí phaùt sinh trong quaù trình tranh chaáp seõ do beân vi phaïm chòu.
12. Hôïp ñoàng naøy ñöôïc laäp thaønh 02 baûn, moãi beân giöõ 01 baûn coù giaù trò phaùp lyù ngang nhau keå töø ngaøy kyù.



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the object of the contract ARTICLE II: TERMS OF CONTRACT-ONLY COUNTER NUMBER OF INPUT ARE TAKEN IN TIME CONTRACTING4. a contract whose value within 4 months.5. time of delivery phone: 01 31-year 20156. Only the count of input are taken in time Contracting:................ARTICLE III: COST OF SERVICE MONTHLY-CALCULATING METHODS 4. the right of A supplier and material objects (except paper) are toll free for B in your contracts by specified in article I.5. The text copy is calculated as follows:The text prints, monthly = (Only the current month's clock)-(Only the previous month clock) 6. B will the payment of monthly service fee according to the following method:Per unit calculation methodsMonthly rent price per đñịnh issue does not play more than 1,000,000 print 2,000 birthsThe total amount of the proceeds or revenue in 2000 a 1,000,000Cases > 300ñ text/2,000 births for illegal entryWaste depositing revenue 3,000,000 + or ñPrices have not yet included VAT tax 10% ARTICLE IV: PAYMENT METHOD AND DEPOSITING B payment shall be for the party A according to the payment methods: cash, paying bills or transfer funds B depositing for the top A the amount for depositing is 3,000,000 colleges (Three million), as soon as the contract to be deposited. The proceeds are the top A B return made after the two parties handle bar at the top to receive A contract phone. For basic expenses take playing b. monthly, B payment for the right to take A basic cost according to of article III, within 3 days of the party's Bill received A. If the period exceeds specified that payments were not B enough sum to the right A then B will be a sum of 2% per day is penalized in the total value of contracts under section 3.ARTICLE V: PROVISIONS ON THE QUALITY Side A:3. responsible for ensuring the phone always switched on in the best conditions.4. provide toll free complete maintenance services, repair, and replacement of the material objects. B:6. ensure proper power use according to the applicable warranty: up to 20.000 a picture/1 month7. ensure the conditions to custodian phone: National communication, the protection, cradle the phone settings, temperature environment around, mode is correct: the standard warranty.8. use the correct operation, use the correct ISO standard paper (dònh volume 70 msg +).9. caution do not use giaày can then stick needles press or kim keïp, avoid cleaning laï and to phone.10. No auto repair or to get a technology not of parties A corrections.ARTICLE VII: CONDITIONS MEET THE CORRECTIONS AND Side A:5. time corrections and from Monday Through once. 6. Saturday from: 8: 00 to 12: 00, the overall picture from 13: 00 to 17: 00.7. meet time Thôiø: b-In Ho Chi Minh City Hoa Minh: 01 hours (not counted the time move) of r B report.8. in this case corrections than previous days: a shall provide the phone using pause/01. B:3. There are clearly liable to damage problem for The Saudi under hot weather phone number (Hotline): 55 41 56 22 or 24 00 00 0983.4. the Official responsible for firefighters to reach qualified membersARTICLE VIII: GENERAL PROVISIONS7. the agreement is effective from the date the two parties sign it.8. the two parties pledge to proper revenue provisions above. If one party needs to change the content of provisions in the agreement must notify the top can then return to the previous 30 days and gaming tones together to resolve problems in a clear way with or without additional accessories that affirmatively.9. B notice letter case huyû contract terms before you sign, then B must be held back with agreement the amount of fees dependent fixed dial number 1,000,000 individual Colleges may also return of the contract.10. in this case, the economic agreement has been taken and the parties have not become complete means your service according to agreement in the contract, within 30 (three of fifty) days later, economic agreement viewed as has been the bar Manager.11. a court conviction economy HO CHI MINH CITY.The peace Alliance are two parties agreement to resolve any other colleges if the decision of the Chief Justice, a court conviction economy HO CHI MINH CITY.The peace Alliance is a value finally. The cost to play born in the prior debate shall be held by the violation of the right.12. this agreement established as each long side of the entry, 02 01 text have equal legal value of the character. B INPUT RESPECTIVELY REPRESENTED THE TOP A MASAO HAGIWARA NGUYEÃN NGOÏC YOU
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Object of the contract TREATMENT II: Periods Hain BOARD OF CONSOLIDATED - Count NUMBER OF ONLY AT DSC-time part-Kyu CONSOLIDATED POINTS BOARD 4. The contract is valid for 04 months. 5. Delivery time unit: year 2015 31 01 6. Indications number Baun's counting-time snapshots At which points Clerk policies, contracts: ................ TREATMENT III: COST SERVICE monthly - THE ROOM THOUC 4. A Bean provide ink and the Material factors (unless seconds) Fully no charge for Bean B in inclement weather suoat Hain's Effective policies, contracts BE requirments treatment I. As at 5. Sell ​​copy number is calculated as follows: Number you start printing, monthly = (number dong Only At which regulate the current month) - (Only number dong Republic month before) 6. Bean B will cost services into payment option is monthly thouc follows: Option thouc Application features rich rich Monthly Rental does not try dninh regeneration than 2,000 prints 1,000,000 Rental payments totaling unit number 1,000,000 in 2000 Baun School Consolidated legislative Birth> 2,000 part-300N / Sell Rental Fee Insert the camera down payment 3.000.000n rich Choa include 10% VAT tax TREATMENT IV: Payment Option THOUC AND Insert the extreme Bean Bean B will into payment for this option A thouc: Payment payments The surface or transfer SECURITIES Bean Bean B Insert the down payment for the down payment money IS A number of VND 3,000,000 (three million), as soon as the cohesion policies, contracts BE Clerk. Amount These tests will reimburse BE A Bean Bean B is again paid after two policies, contracts Bean Bean Save A bar is again receiving unit. TEXT WITH cost Baun regeneration monthly snapshots, Bean Bean A B into payment for the cost of shooting in accordance Sell III's requirments treatment, within 03 days from the date receive a bean's invoice A. If inclement weather is too Hain requirments which each bean B Choa into payment for eligible payments Bean Bean A, B will be subject to payments for One SECURITIES IS penalized 2% / day's total remaining value that's policies, contracts. TREATMENT V: SECURITIES ON TREATMENT OF OPERATIONS The amount chaat camera Bean A: 3. Have the responsibility to Ensure Always Always operate the unit in the aura status. 4. Provide toll-free full-servic adapter Maintenance, repairs, replacement ink and the Material investments areas. Bean B: 6. Using the unit properly secured in accordance with the intended PUBLIC suaat homeowner's Manufactured: Maximum 20,000 part-shooting / 01 months 7. Cauc condition guaranteed coverage about the governance unit: power supply rotate pm, cradle Insert the camera, Solvent temperature around schools, humidity Levels of performance: properly Manufactured homeowner's criteria. 8. Sports Interaction using the unit properly, correctly Dosage seconds criteria ISO (msg ids from energy 70 and older). 9. Caution rollerblades are not using the press metal or metal stick Remaining keip, avoid the Material vaoo unit falls. 10. Dark Comments or corrections for Technology does not nhoo employee must Bean's A corrections. TREATMENT VII: condition meets corrections IN AND Maintenance bean A: 5. Time repairs and maintenance coverage from Monday Thou Up to Bauy LINE weeks. 6. Brightness from: 8:00 Up to 12:00, from 13:00 pm Up to 17:00. 7. Thoio time meets: b- In tp. Ho Chi Minh City: 01 hours (long-time calculation does not move) Kea from luuc Bean B notifications. 8. In schools Consolidated corrections OFTEN Over 3 days: 01 Bean will provide Temporary camera use. Bean B: 3. Have the responsibility notifications EXPRESSLY raong cauc discomfort CoA according to damage Houng for Bean A telephone number becomes hot (Hotline): 22 41 55 56 or 0983 00 00 24. 4. Election To have the responsibility employee continued contact with staff member for Technology VIII TREATMENT: TREATMENT GENERAL SECURITIES 7. Effective policies, contracts Yes Kea from the date two bean Clerk BE cohesion. 8. Two Bean committed to carry out in the terms Over. If a bean needs to be replaced modifies the content's policies, contracts the terms of the bean must notifications for the remaining 30 days to stalk each other before BAIC areas and scales Award quyeat Issues and How to open for One or supplemental least equal to subsection. 9. Consolidated Schools Comments cancel an automatic bean B before inclement weather policies, contracts HAS Clerk Hain, then B must Bean boai usually subject to policies, contracts WITH Amount Fixed costs Rental How WITH 1.000.000Noang multiply number's policies, contracts remaining months. 10. In school the mix, economic policies, contracts and cauc Have been performed Bean CITY completing a definition of fun is full eligible under thoua's your authorization at the policies, contracts shall within 30 (three Mooi) days after, economic policies, contracts such as Have been watching the bar DISCLAIMER. 11. Economic TP.Hoa the court convicted two bean thoua Chi Minh BE Award authorization at Choose to quyeat nhoong estate in if yes, the court's conviction quyeat discomfort Adverse economic value that TP.Hoa Yes Chi Minh Cuong the end. Cost of regeneration in the dispute will too offenses subject to due Bean. 12. Curricula established policies, contracts THIS CITY 02 Baun, each hold 01 Baun Bean Yes equal value that legislative Save Kea from the date Clerk. Representative Representative bean A bean B NGUYEN Ngoïc YOU Masao Hagiwara

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