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hTÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO1. Ban Tư tưởng

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Ngo Duc Thinh (1993), The cultural value of traditional festivals and the needs of modern society, social sciences publishing house, Hanoi.63. Ngo Duc Thinh (1999), "These perceptions of traditional festival", the journal of culture and art, (11), p. 37.64. the NGO Duc Thinh (2007), beliefs and traditional festivals, cultural institutions, arts, Hanoi.65. Bui (1993), the dictionary society of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City Publishing House ceremony.66. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy (2013), Xuan Trach village, traditional festivals, Spring Township, district of Dong Anh, m.s University culture, culture Hanoi University.67. A Pears A snow (1976), "research society for village in Vietnam. The type of village society before the revolution ", the journal of Ethnology, (2), pp. 48-49.68. Pham, Tran Minh (compilation) (2012), Vietnam festivals cruise, Dongnai Publishing House.69. The room of culture and information of the district in eastern England, a report summarizing the work of the Festival in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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1. Department of Ideology - Culture Central (2004), the document concluded Tenth Plenum of the Party Central Committee, IXth Congress, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi.
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46. Le Hong Ly (eds) (2010), cultural heritage management with tourism development, the University of Culture in Hanoi.
47. Le Hoai Nam (2009), The worship of An Duong Vuong in Dong Anh district, Hanoi, PhD Thesis School of Culture, University of Hanoi Culture
48. Nguyen Thi Bao Russia (2014), Traditional Festival Luong Quy Xuan village vomiting, Dong Anh District, PhD Thesis School of Culture, the University of Culture in Hanoi.
49. Pham Quang Nghi (2002), the Festival and the behavior of people working in the current festival management, Journal of Culture and Art, (11), pp 3-7.
50. Thach Phuong Le Trung Vu (1995), 60 Vietnam traditional festivals, Social Sciences Publishing House, Hanoi.
51. Pham Thi Thanh Quy (2009), Management of current traditional festivals, Labour Publishing House, Hanoi.
52. Duong Van Sau (2004), Vietnam Festival in tourism development, the University of Culture in Hanoi.
53. Department of Culture - Information Hanoi (1994), Hanoi past and present, printing enterprise of Hanoi.
54. Bui Hoai Son (2009), Management of traditional festivals of the Vietnamese, Ethnic Culture Publishing House, Hanoi.
55. Le Trung Vu (eds) (1992), the traditional festival of the Vietnamese in Tonkin, Social Sciences Publishing House, Hanoi.
56. Le Trung Vu (eds) (2001), Festival of Thang Long, Hanoi Publishing House.
57. Le Trung Vu, Le Hong Li (Editor) (2005), Vietnam Festival, Culture and Information Publishing House, Hanoi.
58. Tran Quoc Vuong (Editor) (2003), Vietnam Cultural Establishments, Education Publishing House, Hanoi.
59. The collective culture of Thang Long thousand years (volume II) (2008), publishers of Culture and Information and the Vietnam Economic Times.
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61. Zhang Jin (eds) (1990), Vietnam Association of Summer, Publisher's Cultural District, Hanoi
62. Ngo Duc Thinh (1993), The cultural value of traditional festivals and the demands of modern society, Social Sciences Publishing House, Hanoi.
63. Ngo Duc Thinh (1999), "Some awareness about traditional festivals", Journal of Culture and Art, (11), Tr .37.
64. Ngo Duc Thinh (2007), Religious and traditional festivals, Institute of Culture and Arts, Hanoi.
65. Bui Forum (1993), Vietnam festival dictionary, Publisher City. Ho Chi Minh City.
66. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy (2013), the traditional Spring Festival Trach Xuan Canh, Dong Anh District, PhD Thesis School of Culture, the University of Culture in Hanoi.
67. Le Thi Nham Tuyet (1976), "Look at village festival in Vietnam. The type of pre-revolutionary village festival ", Journal of Ethnology, (2), tr.48- 49.
68. Pham Trinh, Tran Minh (eds) (2012), Journey to Vietnam festival, Publisher of Dong Nai.
69. Office of Culture and Information of Dong Anh District, Report on the work of the festival in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
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