. Hai bên cổng chính là hai tượng Yak to bằng người thật. Yak là chằn tinh, mắt lồi, nanh dài, mặc áo giáp, cầm gậy, rất hung ác nhưng được Phật cải hóa, cho làm bảo vệ.
. The two sides of the main gate are two statues of the Yak to real people by. Yak is convex eyes, teenagers, fangs, armor, wielding sticks, very vicious but was revamped Buddha, for protection.
. The two parties are the two main ports in person to really object Yak. Yak is sincere, bulging eyes, long fangs, wearing armor, holding sticks, very ferocious, but the Buddha converted, for a guard.