Cảm ơn cái gì mà cảm ơn. Bạn làm tôi cáu đấy. bạn quá nghèo. tôi sẽ không trao tình cảm của mình cho bạn đâu. tôi ghét bạn. tôi đã quyết tâm quên bạn mà sao bạn lại quay lại tôi mà bám theo bạn đừng có hối hận đấy
Thanks for something that thanks. You make me mad. you are too poor. I will not honor his feelings for you. I hate you. I was determined to forget you that why you come back that I followed you don't regret.
Thank something that thanks. You made me mad there. you are too poor. I would not exchange my feelings for you. I hate you. I was determined to forget you, but did you return to me that you do not stick to regret it