Vì cuộc đời này, tôi không tìm người thích hợp, mà tìm người phù hợp để cùng nhau cố gắng. Bởi những thứ quá hoàn hảo, hoặc bước đi trên con người quá phẳng phiu, thường không lưu giữ quá nhiều dấu ấn.
Because of this life, I do not find the right person, which seeks the right to try. By things too perfect, or step on people too flat, phiu usually do not keep too much impressed.
Because of this life, I do not find the right person, but finding the right people to strive together. By things too perfect, or people walking on the smoothness, often do not keep too many markers.
Because of life, I did not find the right people, find the right people to work together.Because these things are too perfect, or too stiff, leaving no mark too much.