XÖÛ PHAÏT 1. Điều lệ xử phạt a.Chuûng loaïi Caûnh caùo, Ghi loãi nhoû, dịch - XÖÛ PHAÏT 1. Điều lệ xử phạt a.Chuûng loaïi Caûnh caùo, Ghi loãi nhoû, Anh làm thế nào để nói

XÖÛ PHAÏT 1. Điều lệ xử phạt a.Chuû

1. Điều lệ xử phạt
a.Chuûng loaïi
Caûnh caùo,
Ghi loãi nhoû, tröø tiền phụ cấp chuyên cần,và seõ tröø vaøo tieàn thöôûng cuoái naêm laø 20%
Ghi loãi lôùn, tröø phụ cấp chuyên cần,và seõ tröø vaøo tieàn thöôûng cuoái naêm laø 50%
Phuï : Seõ xöû phaït thích hôïp theo caùc ñieàu sau:
b. Cảnh cáo
Trong giờ làm không đeo thẻ
Nhöõng ngaøy ñi laøm khoâng maëc ñoàng phuïc maø coâng ty quy ñònh, hoặc không sử dụng ,dụng cụ an toàn lao động
Trong thôøi gian laøm vieäc taùn gaãu, xem saùch báo,nghe nhạc ,xem điện thoại khoâng lieân quan ñeán coâng vieäc cuûa baûn thaân, laøm vieäc rieâng.
Caù nhaân khoâng giöõ veä sinh saïch seõ, ví duï nhö ôû trong coâng xöôûng nhoå khaïc hoaëc vöùc raùc böøa baõi v.v
Khoâng tuaân thuû quy ñònh lieân quan cuûa coâng ty
c. Ghi loãi nhoû
- Trong giôø laøm vieäc khi chöa ñöôïc pheâ chuaån ñaõ rôøi khoûi choã laøm hay tuøy tieän ñi qua choã laøm cuûa ngöôøi khaùc.
- Chöa ñeán giôø tan ca ñaõ töï yù rôøi khoûi choã , khoâng laøm toát nhieäm vuï ñöôïc giao
- Töï tieän söõa chöõa ghi cheùp saûn xuaát, nguïy taïo chöõ kyù cuûa ngöôøi khaùc ;
- Coá yù gaây trôï ngaïi cho baûo veä khi ñang thi haønh nhieäm vuï;
- Coù nhöõng haønh vi, vi phaïm kyû luaät nghieâm troïng khaùc
- Nghæ ngôi tröôùc giôø tan ca khi chuoâng chöa baùo hieäu;
d. Ghi loãi lôùn
- Trong giôø laøm vieäc uoáng röôïu,bia hay söû duïng nhöõng chaát kích thích phi phaùp
- Khoâng tuaân thuû nhöõng thao taùc löu trình taùc nghieäp maø coâng ty ñaõ quy ñònh, ñeå xaûy ra
nhöõng söï coá nghieâm troïng ngoaøi yù muoán gây ra chaát löôïng saûn phaåm kém hoaëc nhöõng tổn
thất lớn
- Trong giôø laøm nguû hoaëc caûn trôï ngöôøi khaùc laøm vieäc ;
- Trong coâng vieäc coù nhöõng thaùi ñoä khoâng ñuùng nhö ; chöûi maéng ñoàng nghieäp ,gây gổ đánh nhau.
- Coá yù laøm toån haïi taøi saûn cuûa coâng ty nhö : caùc thieát bò cuûa maùy moùc, khuoân maãu, gaù ,nguyeân
vaät lieäu.vv
- Thieáu traùch nhieäm trong coâng vieäc gaây thieät haïi nghieâm troïng cho taøi saûn cuûa coâng ty
- Nghæ khoâng pheùp 1 ngaøy ( nghæ vieäc maø khoâng laøm theo quy ñònh cuûa coâng ty )
- Vaø nhöõng haønh vi nghieâm troïng khaùc;
- Trong Công Ty có hành vi như :Đánh Bài,Cá cuợc số đề hoặc banh bóng gây ảnh huởng đến trật tự an ninh .
e. Chấm dứt hợp đồng lao động.
- Dùng löûa trong nhaø xöôûng hoaëc nhöõng haønh vi coù khaû naêng daãn ñeán hoûa hoaïn.
(ghi chuù: Không được hút thuốc trong nhà xưởng ,chỉ được huùt thuoác trong khu vöïc cho pheùp huùt thuoác)
- Tieát loä coâng ngheä, kyõ thuaät vaø bí maät kinh doanh gaây toån thaát cho coâng ty
- Laïm duïng chöùc quyeàn, vì möu lôïi rieâng cho baûn thaân, xao laõng cöông vò, nhaän hoái loä, chieám
duïng coâng quyõ, duøng danh nghóa vaø taøi lieäu coâng ty möu caàu lôïi ích phi phaùp vaø löøa gaït tieàn
taøi cuûa ngöôøi khaùc.
- Khoâng phuïc tuøng laõnh ñaïo caáp treân, xung ñoät vôùi caáp treân vaø chuû quaûn caùc caáp, tieán haønh
ñe doïa ñoàng nghieäp, noùi xaáu ñoàng nghieäp
- Trong giôø laøm vieäc gaây xaùo ñoäng, bôùi moùc vieäc rieâng cuûa nhaân vieân , gaây ra söï thuø gheùt
nhau , thieät haïi treân thaân theå ngöôøi khaùc nhö ñaùnh nhau, gaây maát traät töï trong coâng ty.
- Laøm toån haïi kieán truùc cuûa coâng ty, thieát bò maùy moùc, coâng cuï, nguyeân vaät lieäu, saûn phaåm, gaây thieät haïi nghieâm troïng cho coâng ty.
- Lieân tuïc nghæ khoâng pheùp 5 ngaøy hoaëc 1 thaùng( toång coäng 20 ngaøy/năm), nguïy taïo baûng baùo caùo chaám coâng.
- Chöa thoâng qua boä phaän quaûn lyù cuûa coâng ty, trong thôøi gian laøm vieäc tình nguyeän tham gia
nhöõng hoaït ñoäng khaùc
- Khoâng tieáp nhaän ñaëc phaùi coâng vieäc cuûa coâng ty hoïaêc khoâng ñuû naêng löïc ñaûm nhieäm coâng vieäc ñöôïc giao
Vöôït caáp trình baùo
- Nhôø ngöôøi khaùc baám theû hoaëc baám theû thay ngöôøi khaùc ;
- Troäm caép taøi saûn cuûa coâng ty, hoaëc ñoái vôùi nhöõng haønh vi troäm caép coù yù bao che
f. Nhöõng haønh vi , vi phaïm kyû luaät khaùc :
Khoâng coù vieäc khoâng ñöôïc quyeàn böôùc vaøo phoøng baûo veä khi chöa thoâng qua ñoàng yù cuûa caáp treân , ghi caûnh caùo1 laàn
Ñeán cuoái thaùng caùc boä phaän phaûi giao noäp baûng baùo caùo chuyeân caàn neáu khoâng giao noäp ñuùng thôøi gian quy ñònh seõ ghi caûnh caùo 01 laàn .
2. Caùch xöû phaït
Nhöõng ai vi phaïm nhöõng ñieàu khoaûn sa thaûi döôùi ñaây seõ khoâng ñöôïc höôûng baát cöù khoûan boài thöôûng vaø thoâng baùo tröôùc naøo.
Trong 1 thaùng maø bò caûnh caùo hai laàn, ñoàng nghóa vôùi 1 loãi nhoû
Tröôøng hôïp nhöõng nhaân vieân lieân tuïc trong 06 thaùng khoâng vi phaïm kyû luaät laàn thöù 2, thì seõ ñöôïc nhaân söï xoùa khoûiû danh saùch kyû luaät .
Ñình chæ coâng vieäc khoâng vöôït quaù 15 ngaøy. Trong thôøi gian ñình chæ khoâng ñöôïc höôøng löông vaø caùc khoaûn trôï caáp.
Ñoái vôùi haønh vi, vi phaïm phaùp luaät nhaø nöôùc, phaïm quy vaø bò nhaø tö phaùp ñieàu tra lyù lòch nhaân vieân bò nghæ vieäc ngay laäp töùc vaø khoâng ñöôïc traû löông
1. Trình töï xöû lyù
Sau khi söï vieäc phaùt sinh, trong v
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
AND PENALIZED 1. Charter sanction a. Racial type Police report, Burn error out, except money, and shall, except to the amount allowed is 20% of the year finallyBurn error too, except the professional allowance should, and will, except in last fiscal year, 50% is allowed amountStandard accessories: taxes will be penalized according to the appropriate existing: b. caution Hours not worn cardsThese days do not go to the default specified company which serves the community, or not use, safety tools During work taùn gaãu, see list of newspapers, listen to music, watch phone is not related to the task of editing, working separately.No personal hygiene care clean, for example in the public xöôûng nhoå vöùc böøa recall numbers or incoming SMS etc. Not compliance related regulations of companies c. record the error out-In the hours of work when you have not yet selected the standard rôøi of the way members from prior jobs or pay for options over the way someone's work.-Not yet time to tan the way from rôøi to automatically have shifts, failure is service delivery accountability better-Auto repair formula notes platform manufacturer, nguïy to create the signature of someone; -Fixed support for ngaïi may notice saver while enforce accountability of service; -Contains behavior, the tactic a violation of other important -Rest time before star tan ca when the ringer not alerts; d. record the error distribution -In the hours of work, beer or alcohol use following stimulant Africa legislature-No compliance following the operation saved the business operations that have company, specified to occurrecent problem prohibits the disturbance in addition to wish to cause poor product quality or losslarge interior-In hours as sleep or caûn for assistance someone work; -In the task form contains any mode such as; chöûi maéng friends, contentious fight.-Try to do harm to your company share costs, such as: equipment used in the sample, khuoân, gaù from equipment noise, which celebratecleaning etc-Lack of accountability in the manner at the expense of harm generally important for your company.-Excused not allow 1 day (excused work without follow company regulations)-Prohibits the behavior and other disturbance;-In company behaviour such as: Fish, cuợc number Card or ball the ball cause photo huởng to order security. e. termination of labor contracts.-Used Toyota in the home or xöôûng bypasses behavior to fire hazards. (Note: No smoking in the buildings, only to be smoking in your area for smoking)-Disclosures technology, technology and business secret may be liable for CorporationAbuse of rights, since the use of-möu special interests for the text body, xao laõng cöông, hoái, received a largeuse of the list means, and fund public document möu for company benefits Africa analyst and löøa gaït sumfiscal of someone. -Does not follow lead level above, pulse with financial conflicts and managing the server level, conductedfriends say, threaten friends xaáu-In zone xaùo, which bôùi work from equipment noise work number employee, caused the •earn extra hate violencetogether, at the expense of the harm on the body can someone such as typing, caused a loss of automatic traät in the company.-Knowledge of the harm of truùc costs As companies, from equipment noise phone device, tools, cleaning, quality product, the expense of which prohibits the disturbance of the harm to the company.-Row value does not allow 5 days or 1 month (combined total 20 days/year), nguïy create table reporting on public benefits.-You have not yet passed your company manage the agenda, during volunteer work involved These other operations-Do not directly receive special bonds to the task of hoïaêc company is not enough to ensure accountability by the task is assignedAn exposure report-Get someone to press the card or press card instead of someone; -Troäm caép share of the company, or for areas troäm behavior caép Spanish cover f. Recent behavior, violation of other tactic: Does not work any steps government access Office saver when you have not yet passed your contact agrees on, burn police caùo1 times Last month to the agenda must be advertise professional report filing interface need should apply the correct delivery period specified shall record the police report 12 times. 2. Skills penalized Following one violation of exclusive sa General below will not be using any khoûan prior notice and allowed back. In which the beef 1 police report twice, '' means to 1 error out Cases following a row in 6 months no violation of law's first 2, then the employee shall delete the list's khoûiû law. Suspended business exposure to 15 days. During suspended not forfeit compensation provisions and the public keys. For behavior, violation of laws, home, and your cow rules if the perpetrator legislature investigate employee identification cow excused work right away and not pay forfeit compensation1. Order handling After the play, students work in v
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Playing courtroom
1. Charter sanctioned
a.Chuung types of
warnings statements,
Record errors are small, except attendance allowance, and will deducted from the end of the year a cash bonus of 20%
Record larger errors, except attendance allowance, a cash bonus and will deducted from the end year was 50%
Disclosure: SEO courtroom appropriate penalized under treatment cauc follows:
b. Warning
do not wear badges During
Those days riding Jobs MAEC not dong Rehabilitation requirments to which the Company, or not use, safety instruments
in periods of time that work gaau fugitive, see Formulary newspapers, listen to music, watch phones Up to Public voice is not related Baun's WORK Self, that work separately.
Individuals will not hold the clean hygiene, such as in Example Public xooung the other spit or litter booa vouc lesson etc.
No related complied with the capital requirments of the company
c . Small errors recorded
- In Hours when HAS approves who have not Receive Jobs Leaving Khôûi or depending coNvENIENcE Choa Choa crossing another person's Jobs.
- Time is yet to reach tan fish with Yu Leaving Khôûi Choa, not to be better communication Receive DUTIES
- Copy the Self coNvENIENcE milk recording Manufactured repairs, nguiy Creating another person's Signature;
- COA Comments for protecting causes Assistive ngaii Operate a contest when you are DUTIES;
- Yes Those behaviors, serious disciplinary offenses other
- Pedestrian Program throne before hour shift when the ringer who have not tan effect indicator;
d. Remember errors Adult
- In Hours drink alcohol, beer or use the stimulant Those fees is Benefit
- No complied the capital Those Interaction Sports Interaction graduate Portability process to which the Company has requirments, occurred To
Those serious malfunctioning want an external Comments improvement of product quality caused less damage or Those
big losses
- Time Jobs In ox or other people that work Assistive TEAM;
- Those in the community Yes Thai WORK such as improper degrees; Maeng choui Coworkers, quarrelsome fights.
- Drug Math Jobs COA Comments assets of the company such as: The level of the equipment of the radio set, khuoan sample, bears, Originally
objects for lieau.vv
- Lack of responsibilities in the community causes damages WORK serious for the assets of the company
- not permission Pedestrian Program 1 day (WORK WITHOUT Jobs excused under requirments of the company)
- Those on other serious behaviors;
- the company may act as: Board Games, betting Soccer balls of threads or affect security order.
e. Termination of labor contracts.
- Use Those loua indoors or behavioral xooung Yes Up to bill hoain INSTRUCTIONS General eligibility.
(Note: Do not smoke in the factory, only Huut drugs in the region for permission Huut drug)
- to disclose resource technologies, Technology and business know-Maat TON THAT causes for the company
- Freedom from abuse mode is a right, because the MOU benefits for part-Self separately, delivering less Coong pale pitcher, received Hoai speakers, accounted
APPLICATION Public funds, nominal and Dosage Mou bridges materi benefit the company and Predatory non Victimized money is benefit
's fiscal someone else.
- No Rehabilitation Leadership granted on the wall, with a sudden impulse granted cauc granted above and supplement for the administering, conducting periodic
Coworkers based anvil, speak out to be bad Coworkers
- in hours causes xauo Auto power-WORK the level of the digging of the employee separately, expected to produce discomfort gheut childhood
together, damages such as other people on the Self Assessment MIGHT together, causes traat against loss on me in the company.
- Architecture Jobs's Drug Mathematics company, EQUIPMENT the level unit, Public firewood Originally objects for therapy, of products and causes serious damages to the company.
- repeatedly excused not days or 1 month permission 5 (totaling 20 days / year), nguiy Creating table slow reporting is achieved.
- Approving Choa adapter portion of the company management for, in the period of time that work volunteers join
the activities in other
- No other ad hoc receiving receptionist of the company must publicly WORK hoiaec insufficient secured our ability to assume the duties Public WORK Receive allocation
granted exceeds the Indicator
- another person Nhoo press card or press card rather another person;
- Troam pair of assets of the company, or by taking up the behavioral troam connect Last updated Comments Yes covering
f. Those behaviors, other disciplinary offenses:
There are no steps vaoo WORK The right to prevention is not protected when Approving who have not's agree on the allocated, recorded scenes cauo1 times
cauc By the end of month delivery must submit a table adapter section reported specialists if needed periods of time not communicate properly filing requirments will record statements scene 01 times.
2. How to courtroom penalized
Those offenses Those who laid waste treatment'S STOCK below will not Receive Anyone khouan beneficiary claimants before bonus and Training notified.
In the 1-month statements to which the cow scene twice, with 1 dong Nghóa Small errors
Those cases staff 06 months is not continuous in disciplinary offenses 2nd times, it will be accepted al khouiu delete the disciplinary list.
Public security Units exceeds 15 days does not WORK. In the period of time families Units Receive hooong not cauc'S STOCK wages and grants.
Connect with behavioral, offenses Newsletter home water, provisions and dive perpetrator is Benefit Investing calendar LYÙ staff surveyed excused cow WORK immediately and not paid Receive payroll
1. LYÙ courtroom sequence
al Playback After birth, the v
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