linkText. label = show passwordshowPasswordLinkText. label = Hide password## ## ## ## ## ## ## # ## # ## back = back = continue button.button.add = add newdelete = delete button.edit = Edit = search button.button. home = homebutton. approve = approvedreject = reject button.creator = the creation label.label approvals = approval.createddate = date created label.label. download. excel. template sample excel file = herelabel.rsa = RSA passwordlabel. download. excel. template sample excel file = herelabel = authorization permission.error msg.. timeout = your Session session has timed out. Please sign in again.msg.error.common = Opps ... An error occurred during processing. Detailed description please see the information below: msg.error.required = Cannot be blankmsg.error.min. date = the date of complete document not be smaller than the current datemsg.error.min. complete voucher = on date_value not on smaller valuemsg.error.limit = not too {0} characterserror msg.. not_is_number = require only enter util. Date = Not in the correct format (dd/MM/yyyy)Msg. error. format. date = only accepts the format dd/mm/ math. Enter the number Only = BigDecimalMsg. error. not_authorization. create = has no power to create electricityMsg. error. not_authorization. approve = have no right of approval powerMsg. error. amount. greater. balance = the transaction amount cannot be greater than the account balanceMsg. error. required. balance = the account must have a balance in your accountMsg. error. file size. incorrect = file not to be too {0} MBerror msg.. not_contain_special_character = not allowed to contain special characters######################### VALIDATION ########################################################efast. finance. alert. bat_buoc_chon_mot_phuong_thuc = select a methodefast. finance. alert. cam_ket_bat_buoc_phai_chon = commitment required to selectefast. finance. alert. checkAccountNumber = only enter numbers and lettersefast. finance. alert. checkCMT = accept only numericefast. finance. alert. checkDate1 = Enter date in format dd/mm/yyyyefast. finance. alert. checkDate2 = Enter date in format dd/mm/yyyyefast. finance. alert. checkDate6 = Enter the date in the format mm/yyyyefast. finance. alert. checkDate7 = Enter tax period in accordance with the format mm/yyyyefast. finance. alert. checkDate8 = Enter date in format dd/mm/yyefast. finance. alert. checkFX = rates in format X, XXX. XXXXXXX and not exceed 99, 999.9999999efast. finance. alert. checkFrDate = school day not be blank, type in format dd/mm/yyyyefast. finance. alert. checkNum = net income must be greater than 0efast. finance. alert. checkPersonName = are only allowed to enter letters, numbers and signs not whitespaceefast. finance. alert. checkToDate = school day not be blank, type in format dd/mm/yyyyefast. finance. alert. checktaxno = code not correct formatefast. finance. alert. chi_cho_phep_nhap_so = only allow entry of typeefast. finance. alert. chi_nhap_kieu_chu = enter only typefacesefast. finance. alert. cho_phep_tu = allow fromefast. finance. minimum = select chon_toi_thieu alert.efast. finance. alert. khong_cho_phep_nhap_cac_ki_tu_dac_biet = does not allow special characters: @,!, ~, #, &,%, $, *, {,}, ^ " _ tu _ thue_khong_dung_dinh_dang = Ky thue khong dang dinh dung: mm/ _ thue_nhap_nam_sai = Ky thue: building the wrong _ thue_nhap_thang_sai = Ky thue: building the wrong _ so_tien_khong_hop_le = Than tien khong hop le. Khong nhan phan chap le after thap phan! _ so_tien_nhap_khong_dung = la than tien dung khong member loginefast. finance. alert. ngay_bao_cao_khong_dung_dinh_dang = incorrect report Date mm/yyyy formatefast. finance. alert. nhap_ngay_theo_dinh_dang = Enter date in format dd/mm/yyyyefast. finance. alert. normalDate = only accepts the format dd/mm/yyyyefast. finance. alert. onlyAlphaNumeric = accepts only numbers or letters a-zefast. finance. alert. onlyCurrency = allow only numeric typeefast. finance. alert. onlyCurrencyInteger = only allow integer typeefast. finance. alert. onlyMonthYear = only accepts the format mm/yyyyefast. finance. alert. onlyNam = allow only numeric typeefast. finance. alert. right format yet = on onlyNamDATEefast. finance. alert. onlyNamVND = allow only numeric _ tien_khop_khong_dung = amount does not match the correctefast. finance. alert. tai_khoan_thu_phi_phai_la_1_trong_2_tai_khoan_trich_no = charge account must be an account debt excerpt 2efast. finance. alert. tai_khoan_trich_no_2_phai_khac_tai_khoan_trich_no_1 = the account extract 2 debt must extract accounts other debt 1efast. finance. thong_tin = information = toefast. finance. truong_nay_khong_duoc_trong = this School alert. not be blankefast. finance. alert. validContent = accepts only letters, numbers and the characters:,;-. | / +efast. finance. alert. validContentWithNewLine = accepts only letters, numbers and the characters:,;-. | / +efast. finance. alert. vui_long_chon_tai_khoan_trich_no_1_truoc = please select the account extract 1 debt beforeefast. finance. alert. vui_long_nhap_ki_tu_khong_dau = PLEASE ENTER the CHARACTERS without QUOTESefast. finance. alert. vui_long_nhap_ngay_hoan_chung_tu = please enter the complete day voucherscommon. validation greaterthan_zero = value. must be greater than 0common. validation. lon_hon_ngay_hien_tai = must be greater than the current date:common. validation. nho_hon_ngay_hien_tai = must be less than the current date:common. alert. application. error = Oops! Something went wrong! rnHelp us improve your experience by sending an error reportcommon. alert. approval. batch = are you sure you want to approve the selected power?common. alert. delete. batch = are you sure you want to reject the selected power?common. alert. select_checkbox = You must select at least 1 cell to manipulatecommon. alert. uncorrect. fileupload. size = only accepts no more than 2 MBcommon.rsa. other. processed Power user by another usercommon. uncorrect. fileupload. type = File upload only accepted with common. upload. file. type = File upload is accepted only with excelefast. finance. nguoi_thu_huong = beneficiary########## MODEL = transfer money out of the systemTransferType. ou = external money transfer = orderTransferType.fx = foreign currency = salary paymentTransferType. sp = order placed = transfer money in batches automaticallyTransferType. not_found = do not recognize the type of trading channelsFinance. chi-quick-coins-ly = branch handleFinance. thong-news-General = General informationFinance. ten-don-vi-buy = buy unit nameFinance. dia-genus = addressfinance.sdt = phone numberFinance.-join now-tri = days = the amount of money moved awayFinance. type-tien-te = currenciesFinance. tai-drills-excerpt-no-1 = the account quoted debt 1Finance. tai-drills-burn-no-1 = debit account (1) = amount/currency purchase (1)finance company-household rate company-family-1. = rates Finance. tai-drills-excerpt-no-2 = 2 debt quote accountFinance. tai-drills-burn-no-2 = debit account (2) = amount/amount of the purchase of foreign currency (2)finance company-family-2. = rates Finance.--hang ngan-time = intermediate Bank (56A) = intermediate CodeFinance. ten-dia-chi-ngan-hang-middle-period = name and address only intermediateFinance. ngan-hang-huong = Bank entitled (57A)Finance. ten-va-dia-chi-nh-nguoi-huong = name and NH people
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