Analyze market sentiment sentimental-analysis Earlier we said that theoretically the price reflects all available information in the market. Unfortunately for us it's not so simple. Markets do not simply reflect all available information because all the traders are not always the same one way action. Every trader comments or own interpretations of how the market moves. Every thought, opinion trader positions expressed through purchase orders, thus helping to shape market sentiment. These traders are not interested in what you're feeling and you can not move the market in your favor, even if you are fully confident that the dollar will rise, but the environment given that it reduces others, you also do not do anything. as a trader, you have to consider all the issues. It depends on the assessment of the feeling of the market, whether up or down. Finally, learn how you can incorporate market sentiment into your business strategy. If you ignore the market sentiment, it's your decision. But we're talking to you right now, that would be a loss. Can assess market sentiment is an important tool in the arsenal of the transaction. In the next lesson we will teach you how to analyze the market sentiment and use it in a useful way.
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