phòng của tôi là nơi tôi cảm thấy thoải mái và thư giãn sau 1 ngày học mệt mỏi ở trường có 1 cái kệ sách bên trái cái bàn.có rất nhiều sách và truyện tranh trên kệ there is a booksheves on the left of the table Miko cô bé nhí nhảnh
my room is where I feel comfortable and relax after a tiring day at schoolThere is 1 left bookcase desk. There are many books and comics on the shelvesThere is a booksheves on the left of the tableMiko girl Galaxia
My room is where I feel comfortable and relax after one day tired at school studying the bookshelves have one left so There are many books and comics on the shelves there is a booksheves on the left of the table Miko girl chatter
My room is one day after I feel comfortable and relaxed.There is a shelf, the left is B, N.C many books and comic books on the bookshelf.There is a booksheves study on the tableShe is a freak witch