Lý do đó chính là vì tôi đã cố gắng tôi yêu code Popmyads một cách nhanh nhất . vì thế Khi lượt traffic vừa vào website hotnewdays nó sẽ được chuyển hướng rất nhanh đến Ads Popmyads .. vì thế Analytics đã không thể lưu lại được
The reason for that is because I have tried I love code Popmyads fastest way. so when the weekly traffic just on the website hotnewdays it will be very quick navigation to Ads Popmyads. so Analytics has not be saved
The main reason for that was because I was trying i love code Popmyads quickly. so when traffic has to turn its hotnewdays website will be redirected to Ads Popmyads very fast .. so Analytics can not be saved