Bạn có muốn tôi đến bên bạn ngay lập tức không. Tôi không muốn chờ đợi nữa. Tôi muốn chết để đến bên bạn. Tôi đã rất buồn vì bạn chửi tôi. Tôi hoang mang lo lắng cho bạn rất nhiều.
Would you like me to you immediately. I don't want to wait anymore. I want to die to come to your party. I was very sad because you swear at me. I puzzled anxiety for you very much.
Do you want me to come to you right away. I do not want to wait anymore. I want to die to come to you. I was very sad because you insulted me. I panic a lot of worry for you.