Cheese In The Trap revolves around the relationship between her college student Hong Seol (Kim Go-Eun) and the senior school, Yoo Jung (Park Hae Jin). Hong Seol's first television role of Kim Go-Eun. This character is described as a hardworking student, she returned to school after the long hiatus. Because the struggling circumstances that Hong Seol worked to cover life. Meanwhile, the boys of South Park Hae Jin Yoo Jung, assumes the role of a perfect guy. He has everything: family, school, health, appearance, including Bollywood. But, hidden behind things as plan that is hidden in the dark corner of the mind of this young guy. Who will solve your problems for the main girl's class often you later Seol Hong back love each other but could not come together. But the film crew will produce part 2 because the last paragraph is open ended.
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