trước đây, cuộc sống của gia đình tôi khó khăn, vì vậy, cha mẹ tôi không đủ điều kiện để học nhiều như chúng tôi bây giờ. cha mẹ tôi chỉ được học tới lớp 7 và phải nghỉ học để đi làm.
before, my family's life difficult, so my parents are not eligible to learn as much as we do now. my parents only learned to grade 7 and school to go to work.
ago, my family's life difficult, so my parents are not eligible to study much like us now. my parents only learned to layer 7 and had to quit school to go to work.
Here, our family life is very difficult, so, my parents do not have enough conditions to learn as we now. My parents only learn to seven grade and school work.