Nguyên phụ liệu thiếu trong quá trình sản xuất gia công(nếu có), B ủy thác cho A mua tại Việt Nam (cam kết nộp thuế xuất khẩu và các laoji thuế khác nếu có) sẽ được bổ sung bằng phụ lục hợp đồng
Raw material shortage in the course of production (if any), the trust for A buy in B Vietnam (committed to the export tax and other tax laoji if available) will be supplemented by Annex
Lack of raw materials during the manufacturing process (if any), B entrusted to a buyer in Vietnam (committed to pay export duties and other taxes laoji if any) will be supplemented by annexes contract
Main raw material production process (if any), commissioned A to buy B (commitment in Vietnam's export Laoji tax and other taxes if there are plug-ins) will use the appendix of the contract