Tuy nhiên, việc thực hiện này chưa được chú ý đúng mức về chiều rộng cũng như chiều sâu. Cụ thể là có rất ít phiếu này, có chăng cũng là một vài thông tin đơn giản về khách hàng.
However, the implementation has not been properly about the breadth as well as depth. In particular, there are very few votes, it is affordable as well as some simple information about your customers.
However, the implementation has not been paid due attention in terms of width and depth. Specifically, there is very little of this stock, it is, is some simple information about your customers.
However, the execution does not pay attention to the appropriate width and depth. In particular, there are very few stocks, both a simple and some information of the customer.