Many years, the problem of environmental pollution are trained on a lot of people interested, not the water remained there but also in the entire world. The environment is being devastated by the severe human hands. It has a bad impact on the lives, the existence, development of human and nature in the world over. Currently, environmental pollution are widely occurring from rural to urban and increasingly complicated happenings: air pollution, soil contamination, pollution of water resources. handy people where thrown it, litter around the stinking smell, dead animals drifting ship on the River, on the banks of the levees or lying transverse ngổn communities. plant, a hospital blatantly industrial waste dump has not passed the toxic ponds down processing streams and rivers ... that they were catching explosive caused the fish die-off. In addition, people people left deforestation to plant food crops. they held the go hunting rare animals remained there. When it comes out the way we see smoke childrens everywhere. Humans are also indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources, each economic activity whatever good or bad are impacting the environment. Environmental pollution caused like? environmental contamination harmful for health, our life, the animal waste is the cause leading to the sexually transmitted disease: respiratory disease: inflammation of the lungs. Dry cough of bronchitis is caused by dust in the air exist. as more and more vehicles join the traffic on air as stuffy and hard to breathe. Also the indiscriminate deforestation has made real estate jobs were widespread chemical fallow belt, suffered severe erosion. the most dangerous is the spraying of insecticides, herbicides in soil-soil damage. under the real estate is crazy, circuit when the toxic substance deposited on the deep upon the Earth, flows under the stream of water into the wells. When people use well water will have to use water very toxic. was that the same exam companies massively dumped waste water directly into the water sources clean makes people lack of water do not have clean water to use. The pollution also do stratospheric ozone made for extreme weather and the Earth, the increasingly heated up. the toxic atmosphere causes more and more dangerous disease to humans, animals and nature. floods, droughts happen frequently should cause crop failures, famine. The last few years is more serious landslides. the House at the foot of the mountain are suffered many casualties to property or people. Avalanche also do traffic paralysis, is blocked completely. In addition to environmental pollution also affected many American officers to the street, a neighbor country. All the above is by ourselves have devastated the environment, we have gay out what for chest examinations we have to suffer. So the cause of the consequences on? The biggest cause, is the deepest human consciousness. a follower of which is nomadic by computer, deforestation taking arable, leading many major fires. the forest is a green lung of the Earth, it is as weak then will pull in more harmful effects that man Chu know to. They know the forests issue Harrow, does not comply with the measures and forestry students cause big consequences? Also, the State has not applied the đc technology first, investing more for the protection of the environment. and we don't yet have a strong solution for such behaviour. Để khuất phục được nhược điểm ô nhiễm môi trường ở nước ta , chúng ta cần những giải pháp thiết thực hơn. Trước hết phải xây dựng văn hóa ứng xử thân thiện với môi trường trên cơ sở đổi mới tư duy, cách làm, hành vi ứng xử, ý thức trách nhiệm với thiên nhiên, môi trường trong xã hội và của mỗi người dân. Đẩy mạnh tuyên truyền, giáo dục pháp luật cho nhân dân nâng cao hiểu biết, xây dựng các chuẩn mực, hình thành ý thức về môi trường. Tăng cường công tác kiểm tra, xử lý quyết liệt, giải quyết dứt điểm các vụ việc về môi trường, vi phạm pháp luật bảo vệ môi trường. Cần tạo bước chuyển biến mạnh mẽ từ nhận thức sang hành động cụ thể. Đối với bản thân , tôi mong rằng mọi người sẽ có ý thức hơn : vứt rác đúng nơi qui định, hạn chế phun thuốc trừ sâu, mọi người chung tay trồng cây gây rừng để phủ xanh đồi trọc…và chính tôi cũng sẽ chung tay góp sức xây dựng môi trường xanh sạch đẹp, đảm bảo cân bằng hệ sinh thái . do đó Nhà nước cần phải ngăn chặn , khắc phục hậu quả sớm nhất do con người gây ra; khai thác sử dụng hợp lý, tiết kiệm tài nguyên thiên nhiên , khai thác phải đi đôi với trồng rừng. Ngoài ra , những người có chức trách cần phải hành động vì môi trường . In summary, the environment has a hugely important role for life, existence, of our activities. so now we-the sons of the soil make joint effort to keep taking in the fresh, clean, beautiful environment.
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