Vượt ra khỏi biên giới quốc gia, bánh xèo đã được mang đi giới thiệu ở rất nhiều nơi trên thế giới và đã được rất nhiều người ưa thích không chỉ ở mùi vị đặc trưng của bánh mà còn giá trị dinh dưỡng cao ở những cái bánh xèo nóng hổi.
Beyond national boundaries, the pancakes were carried away in so many parts of the world and were a lot of people not only in the preferred flavor of the cake but also the high nutritional value in these sizzling pancakes.
Beyond national borders, was carried away pancakes introduced in many parts of the world and has a lot of popular not only in the taste characteristics of the cake, but also high in nutritional value ones hot pancakes.
Out of national boundaries, pancakes have been introduced in many parts of the world, and are loved by many people not just in the taste of a particular food and the high nutritional value of hot pancakes.