ở Yamagata việt nam, có 2 nhân viên kết thúc hợp đồng lao đông. đó là ông Việt địa chỉ email:prdn-mgr@vn.ymgt-co.com and Bà My có địa chỉ email. vui lòng bạn hãy khóa hoạc vô hiệu hóa 2 địa chỉ này giúp tôi.
in Vietnam, there are 2 Yamagata employee ends the contract labour.that is he Free address email:prdn-mgr@vn.ymgt-co.com and My Grandmother has an email address.Please you please lock or disable 2 help me address this.
Yamagata in Vietnam, with 2 employees ended labor contracts. That is his Vietnam email address: prdn-mgr@vn.ymgt-co.com and Mrs My has an email address. please please lock or shell trademark 2 addresses help me.