Lời đầu tiên, cho tôi được nói lời cảm ơn Lan vì đã mời tôi tham gia buổi sinh nhật. Tôi rất vui và hạnh phúc. lúc 7;00 giờ tối chủ nhật, tôi sẽ đem đủ tất cả những gì bạn cần. Bạn cứ an tâm và tin tưởng ở tôi.
First, let me say thank you for having invited me to join Lan birthday parties. I am very glad and happy. at 7; 00 hours Sunday evening, I'll bring enough all what you need. You keep peace of mind and trust in me.
First of all, for me to say thank Lan for inviting me to attend the birthday. I am very pleased and happy. at 7; 00 pm on Sunday, I'll bring enough all what you need. Feel confident and believe in me.
First of all, let me thank you for inviting me to your birthday party. I am very happy and happy. 7; 00 hour Sunday night, I will take all you need. You can trust me and trust me.