Từ lúc mẹ cưới, mẹ rất xinh đẹp và trẻ trung. Làn da mẹ trắng trẻo cơ thể khỏe mạnh. Đến bây giờ, mẹ đã có nếp nhăn và cơ thể đã yếu đi nên hay ố đau nhưng mẹ vẫn luôn cố gắng mỗi ngày
From the wedding at her mother, her mother is very young and beautiful. Mother Whitty skin healthy body. Up to now, I've got wrinkles and the body was weak but still mother pain stain or should always try every day
From the moment of the wedding, she is very beautiful and youthful. Mother pale skin healthy body. By now, she had wrinkles and weakened body or at the top, but the mother should always try every day