Tôi nhớ về câu chuyện mà tôi đã từng trải qua. Nó thật khủng khiếp với tôi vì lúc ấy tôi chỉ là một cô bé học lớp 9. Khi ấy, tôi và gia đình tôi sống chung trong một căn hộ ở trung tâm thành phố.
I remember the story that I have ever experienced. It's so awful to me since I was just a little girl, grade 9. Meanwhile, I and my family lived in an apartment in the city center.
I remember the story that I have ever experienced. It was awful for me because at that time I was just a little girl in grade 9. At that time, I and my family lived in an apartment in the city center.
I think of this story, I have experienced. It's scary, because I'm a girl of grade nine. At that time, I and my family lived in the same apartment in the center of the city.