Rau diếp/xà lách tách lá, rửa sạch. Dưa leo và cà rốt rửa sạch, cắt thành miếng trụ dài to bằng ngón tay út. Tách củ tỏi thành nhiều tép, lột vỏ, nếu tép tỏi to có thể cắt đôi ra.
Lettuce, leaves separated, washed lettuce. Cucumber and carrots washed, cut into pieces long to universes with little finger. Separate the garlic into cloves, peeled garlic cloves, if to cut out the double.
Lettuce / salad leaves separated, washed. Cucumber and carrots washed, cut into long cylindrical pieces as big as my little finger. Split into multiple cloves garlic, peeled garlic cloves if possible to slice out.