Việc bổ sung lò hơi mới (công suất 2.500 kg/giờ, nhãn hiệu GETABEC, xuất xứ Thái Lan) hoạt động luân phiên với lò hơi cũ (công suất 4.310 kg/giờ, nhãn hiệu T.C TRADING COMPANY LIMITED) có khả thi không?
The addition of the new boiler (capacity 2,500 kg/hour, GETABEC brand, made in Thailand) operate alternately with the old boiler (capacity 4,310 kg/hour, mark t. C TRADING COMPANY LIMITED) are feasible?
The addition of a new boiler (capacity of 2,500 kg / hour, brands GETABEC, origin Thailand) operates alternately with the old boiler (capacity of 4310 kg / hour, the brand TC TRADING COMPANY LIMITED) feasible ?