Novaland cần phải cải thiện phát triển đánh giá nhu cầu để nhân viên của công ty có thể phát triển và tăng cường khả năng của mình để phục vụ cho công việc kinh doanh của công ty. Tôi có một số khuyến nghị như sau:
Novaland need to improve development needs assessments to employees of the company can develop and enhance their ability to cater to the business of the company. I have some recommendations as follows:
Novaland need to improve the development of a needs assessment to employees of the company can develop and enhance their ability to serve the business of the company. I have some recommendations as follows:
Novaland needs to improve the development of personnel to assess the needs of the company can develop and improve their ability to be the business of the company. I have some suggestions as follows: