First off, I do not answer to some stranger named Rhett, I could care less than about your wrong opinion of me. If you call yourself a Christian, then this is what Your Life shouldnt look like. You shouldnt tạo the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. You shouldnt have no unforgiveness Towards anyone. Mark 16 says có những Will Follow Those Who Believe signs: They cast out demons in my sẽ name, and chúng sẽ speak in new languages, They Will Be Able to ask for their hands on the sick place, and chúng Will Be healed. "Jesus Told the 12 & 70 to preach the gospel the heal the sick DNA. The bible says: WHEN you fast, not IF you fast. If you call yourself a Christian, is this what looks like Your Life?
Are you the sick healing? Are you preaching the gospel? Are you fasting? Casting out demons are you? Are you speaking in tongues? If not, why not? And the disciples Went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through added, confirming what many miraculous signs by chúng said.
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