Nếu có thể tôi muốn được học ngôi trường có chi phí thấp nhưng thoải mái, bắt đầu giờ học lúc 9 giờ , giáo viên không phải điểm danh . Trang phục sẻ chúng e lựa chọn và sẻ không có bất kì bài kiểm tra nào .
If possible I would like to learn low-cost school but comfortable, start school at 9, the teacher is not the point. We share dresses e option and without any tests.
If possible I want to learn the school has low cost but comfortable, starting at 9 o'clock class, teachers do not have to roll. Apparel e share options and share them without any exams.
If you can I would like to go to the school is low cost but very comfortable, 9 points to start the class, the teacher will not call. The choice of clothing and sharing to share them I am afraid there is no test.