Mức cung tiền tệ là lượng tiền được cung ứng nhằm thõa mãn các nhu cầu thanh toán và dự trữ của các chủ thể trong nền kinh tế. Mức cung tiền phải tương ứng với mức cầu về tiền tệ
The level of the money supply is the amount of money to be happy in order to supply the demand for payment and the reserves of the subject in the economy. The level of the money supply must correspond to the level of the currency
Money supply is the amount of money being offered to satisfy the demand for payment and reserves of the actors in the economy. The money supply must correspond to the demand for currency
The level of money supply is the demand of money supply, in order to facilitate the calculation and storage in your subject's economy. To provide the level of money corresponding to the level of money demand