LED CONTROLI wanted you to ...This leadership style is the leaders told employees what they want and how they are made out to the Center did the employee's suggestions. A number of appropriate circumstances can use this leadership style is when the leaders had enough information to solve the problem or when it is missing, or when time has created the source of motivation for employees.Some people tend to think that this style was used as a means to yelled at the mine, insulting and threatening. This fact is not leadership authority, but rather, it is a type of abuse, lack of professional, also known as "the boss of everyone." This style will surely never be present in the "dictionary" work of a talented leader.However, the leadership style control should only apply limitations in a few individual cases. If you have the time and desire to get more commitment and greater source of motivation from the staff, then you should use democratic styles.DEMOCRATIC LEADERSPlease solve this problem together.This style was described as follows: the Board of Directors consists of one or more staff will make the decision (disambiguation of things they need to do as well as the way of doing things), but the leaders will be the final decision.Use this style does not mean you are a frail leader but on the contrary, it shows that you are holding a power that the staff are highly regarded.This style is applied when a popular leader who captures a portion of the information, and the rest belongs to the employee. Of course, a leader can not know everything, and that's why you recruit people who are knowledgeable and skilled. The use of this style help mutually benefit by this style makes the employees feel part of the Group and allow them to make these decisions more effectively.Whether you already have the answer to every problem, to listen and collect more diverse opinions will help you have more creative ability and avoid narrow bundle of thoughts. According to Katherine Phillips: now you are thinking about diversity and its impact to your organization? You need to be aware that the practical value are the most durable of diversity is that it challenges all members of the organization. From there, we think more consideration, and can realize more effective use of the information in a flexible way. This is the real value that diversity brings.LIBERAL LEADERThe two of you please me solve the problem while I was absent.In this style, the leaders for allowing the employees to make decisions, however, they remain the ultimate responsibility. This style is used when the employee has the ability to analyze problems, determine what to do and how to implement them. You should remember the leader cannot do everything! You have to know how to set priorities as well as the Division for its staff of certain duties.Apply this leadership style is not for you to blame someone else when something happens, that's when you completely trust the staff. Don't hesitate to use this style, however, need to use wisely!
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