A splendid forest of direct afternoon jungle Remember the Pine Hills Party Her year when age has just nine double The soul is white in As young birds when eaten still no. When co was not warm How many innocent years of sunny rain story Rainy sunny lo alone Then she sad no lounge to sit makeup through pastel To fade to yellow, the remnants of both colourful may always withered hon Fresh flowers when she said little or Bird stop warble Sun does not hurt so thunderous pour night Steal her life Why people go here to search but Come on lost anymore Oh! How sad, old pine hill Now absent the love Oh! life fit tan, fit and tan Like the other clouds against the wind Equivalent years guy on her side Away away from it! And then the guy was in the grave next to her As the old Covenant vows lyrics Located the to thousand of revenue an doused my Safat deep grave under dry land Through years of moss-green seat cover closed Snow didn't smoke incense Sun down on the tree longer yellow leaves The other shed and green leaves
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