Management, monitoring and control of the process and after disbursement for loanMake disbursements according to the decision to grant credit the grant approval, disbursement schedule, the loan guarantee is full of proof.Examine seriously the use of capital of your business, make sure to use the correct capital purposes under the terms of signed contracts of credit; reviews on the use of capital property, the customer's guarantee.Needs analysis, timely assessment of these signs lead to risks from that quickly put out the appropriate solutions in the recovery of capital, minimize the losses that may occur to the Bank. To recognize the early signs of this, requires credit officers are qualified, experienced, sharp and pay attention monitors production and business situation of the client.Closely monitor the source of funds of customers on the basis of building control mechanisms for each type of dish. The Special Branch to pay attention to the flow of money out of the customers, the customer's loan at the Bank to be able to detect the fraud from the client side, the client status to avoid deliberately bringing a collateral mortgage at the same time in many banks to borrowers that branch does not know. Improving the efficiency of the work of collecting and processing information• Collection of information:The information is an important role for the Bank in the lending decision. The Bank has been informed by the direct contact with customers, from the banks have a credit relationship with the client, from CIC, ... The information that the client provides may not be complete, accurate, and sometimes is not truthfully, so banks need general information in a variety of sources, including from newspapers, the Internet, authorities and local people, ... to be able to seize all the issues related to the methodology investment projects, of the business.• Storage Organization, process and analyse information:General information about the market, about you, about the technology; building credit scoring models internal to the client along with the development of information technology on a modern. Besides, the analysis of the information collected based on the financial situation, business and manufacturing feasibility level of investment projects. This is the base to assess accurately, objectively about loan clients and enhance, speed of processing and lending decisions. To further improve the assessment of the internal credit ratingsThe branch needs to further enhance the awareness of staff about credit ratings, advanced skills in information gathering, evaluation and credit ratings for credit officers. Through that can promote the quality of credit ratings work in credit operations of the branch.Contribute to the headquarters to further improve the system of internal credit ratings of Bank for investment and development of Vietnam, BIDV. Use the Add methods to collect information of history run econometric models to calculate the probability of non-repayment of customers, help the ratings become more consistent objective, which is not too dependent on the subjective opinions of credit officers.Periodically or irregularly checked the implementation of the credit ratings of credit officers, ensure the rated clients accurate, timely customer classification from that sort of debt and set up recurring risk prevention. Improve the loan guarantee measure Use the Tools insurance: credit risks stem from a lot of subjective and objective causes for that branch could not foresee. Therefore, the use of the tool and apply the measures secured loan to limit losses when the risk occurs is very important, be made through a number of measures such as:-Yêu cầu doanh nghiệp phải mua bảo hiểm trong quá trình xây dựng, lắp đặt và bảo hiểm công trình đối với các dự án đầu tư, bảo hiểm hàng hóa, bảo hiểm cháy nổ…Trên thực tế thời gian vừa qua, nhờ sử dụng các giải pháp này mà những tổn thất vốn vay do thiên tai gây ra đã được các công ty bảo hiểm thanh toán, giảm thiểu đáng kể tổn thất cho doanh nghiệp cũng như chi nhánh.- Ngân hàng sử dụng các công cụ phái sinh trên thị trường tiền tệ như hợp đồng hoán đổi rủi ro tín dụng, hợp đồng quyền chọn tín dụng, hợp đồng trao đổi tín dụng... Đây là các hợp đồng tài chính bảo vệ ngân hàng trong trường hợp các khoản nợ không được thanh toán, có thể được sử dụng hiệu quả trong việc giảm rủi ro phát sinh nợ xấu cũng như giảm rủi ro lãi suất của ngân hàng. Hiện nay, công cụ phái sinh trong quản lý rủi ro tín dụng còn chưa được chú trọng và phổ biến ở Chi nhánh, vì vậy cần nghiên cứu và tăng cường áp dụng công cụ này hơn.
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