Như đã đưa tin, sáng 7/7, khi người làm công đến báo các suất cơm cho công nhân thì phát hiện 6 người trong gia đình ông Lê Văn Mỹ (48 tuổi), tên thường gọi là Quốc đã bị hung thủ ra tay sát hại tàn độc.
As reported, the morning of July 7, when people do to report the performance of rice for the workers then discovered 6 men in his family Le Van (48 years), commonly called was murdered out of hand the killers murder.
As previously reported, the morning 7/7, when the employee to inform the rice productivity for workers then discovered 6 people in Le Van My family (48), nicknamed Korea was the gunman out of hand brutal murder.